Archive for the ‘Harvard’ Category

Tourism Business Budapest

All the instructions are in the images. And the tourist destination I choose is Budapest. Include sections please as well. I will include the rubric later. . My school uses the MMU Harvard referencing guide. (NOTE) not the school I go to, it is validated by them. I attached a link below here for the […]

Literary Review – Justification

Using Monte Carlo simulations to optimise pharmaceutical production schedules? I just want a justification for using Monte Carlo simulations and some kind of easy example of how its used. The schedules will take into account people, materials, machines and their varied availability so lots of unknown variables like peoples availability, a few different types of […]

Applied leadership and management for contiuning professional development of nurses

I have 19 slides in PowerPoint and notes. I need 20 minutes in speech AND two slides in the notes need additional information according to my lecturer’s BOLD comments. After your acceptance, I will share my privacy PowerPoint and notes. 2000 words for speech and 200 words for additional infrmation for part of notes under […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello, I need an essay proofread and reworded for an argumentative essay based around perceptual realism and how realism can be achieved using digital effects in a film. My argument is that VFX can be used to produce perceptually realistic worlds using digital or practical FX. I will upload everything from an essay brief, my […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic: Utilization of statistical methods / single-, two- , and multiple-dimension samples / in  international marketing strategies Section A) 1 page overview:Explanation of international marketing strategies of directly targeting single customers (ONLY B2B not B2C!) 1 page: Make a content transmission from your explanation to section B) Section B) 1 page more into detail:Methods of […]

RISk Management and Ethics – MSC Corporate Finance

Managing the Corporate Treasury Function and Ethical BehaviourBelco Global Foods Supported by the work that we have done in the module to date, as well as the facts presented in the case and your prior recommendations; prepare a report assessing the credit terms practices of Belco Global Foods. Specifically address the following issues: 1.  What […]

RIsk Management and Ethics – MSC Corporate Finance

In working out your responses to the Discussion Question, you should choose examples from your own experience or find appropriate cases on the Web that you can discuss. Credit will be given for references that you make to relevant examples from real companies. Please make sure that you cite and reference all of your outside […]


Citation: Last page of your assignment must include the complete list of the references used during the completion of your assignment with all the details. Format for referencing from print media like books:FAMILY/SURNAME, Initials. (Publication year in brackets) Book title – italicised or underlined.Series title and volume if applicable. Edition if not the first. Place […]

Fundamentals of hrm

its an assignment about an essay on young workers in Australia. I am attaching all the documents explaining how to do the assignment and what it is about. Just have a thorough read of all the materials, I am also attaching as example on how it should look like so that can be helpful. please […]

Some experts argue that despite the territorial defeat of ISIS, its ideology is still alive. Critically discuss the outlook for Islamism globally over the next years and how these developments will drive terrorism trends worldwide.

Topic :Some experts argue that despite the territorial defeat of ISIS, its ideology is still alive. Critically discuss the outlook for Islamism globally over the next years and how these developments will drive terrorism trends worldwide. You are required to write a policy paper. In addressing the subject, you are expected to demonstrate a critical […]

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