Archive for the ‘Harvard’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following, research write and write a brief critical essay: 1. Evaluation of the evidence for the increased intake of n-3 fatty acids for improved cardiovascular health.2. Appraisal of aetiology of alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD).3. Appraisal of the metabolism of lipoproteins in human body. Objective:To appraise the effect of metabolism of […]

Critical evaluation of the effect of consumption of various fractions of dietary fibre consumption on human health.

Research the following topic and write a brief critical essay:Critical evaluation of the effect of consumption of various fractions of dietary fibre consumption on human health. Assessment objective: To appraise the effect of metabolism of nutrients and non-nutrients in health and disease state, and to examine and evaluate the evidence on the causes, incidence, and […]

Critical evaluation of the usefulness of glycaemic index.

Research the following topic and write a brief critical essay:Critical evaluation of the usefulness of glycaemic index. Assessment objective: To appraise the effect of metabolism of nutrients and non-nutrients in health and disease state, and to examine and evaluate the evidence on the causes, incidence, and prevalence of key nutrition-related illnesses using evidence base for […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assessment objective: To appraise the effect of metabolism of nutrients and non-nutrients in health and disease state, and to examine and evaluate the evidence on the causes, incidence, and prevalence of key nutrition-related illnesses using evidence base for nutrition and published research. Please do topics 1 and 2 and choose one more:1. Critical evaluation of […]

Assess the view that the changing context of management and organisations in the contemporary business environment makes the skills of management and leadership essential for a manager.

To support your writing: a. Include a range of theories with analysis showing how they apply,b. Demonstrate module learning from Units 1 – 6.c. Use examples.d. Use a range of reliable academic sources, approximately 10 literary sources for a qualification at this level. Assignment Guide:

Managing Change

Review the case study below and prepare a report detailing how you would advise Meg to solve the management problems detailed. Remember you can draw on any/all of the topics studied in this module. Your report should follow standard report format and be accurately referenced. Your report should include the following points as a minimum: […]


Please read the summative assignment carefully, this is what you have to work on. The company is Uniqlo. There is a structure on page 3 of the summative assignment, please follow it. Also, I have done the formative assignment, please have a look at the feedback and edit on it. You can keep the part […]


Please read the summative assignment carefully, this is what you have to work on. The company is Uniqlo. There is a structure on page 3 of the summative assignment, please follow it. Also, I have done the formative assignment, please have a look at the feedback and edit on it. You can keep the part […]

Business Report of British Airways

Part A (Business Report) outline (2000 words, 70% weighting, evidences learning outcomes 1-4, figure 2) This will take the form of a Business Report. The scenario is that you are working for a company that has commissioned a consultancy firm to provide a report outlining the current position of your company and its evolving business […]

Protecting and promoting normal birth

Discuss how culture of maternity system which is dominated by high risk bio-medical interventionist approach impacts on a woman’s desire to birth without intervention. outline structure of essay, include 4 citationsinclude elements of evaluation, synthesis and critique of topic and its application to midwifery. This assignment will explore the argument of risk and how the […]

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