Archive for the ‘Havard’ Category

Critically evaluate Levitts view of global strategy

The globalization of markets is at hand. With that, the multinationalcommercial world nears its end, and so does the multinationalcorporationThe multinational corporation operates in a number of countries,and adjusts its products and processes in each, at high relative cost. Theglobal corporation operates with resolute constancy…it sells the same things inthe same way everywhere (Levitt, 1983).With […]


Assessment 6: Op-Ed (50% of final mark)Students have to write an individual paper for this module. The paper shouldhave an extension of 1500 words (+/-10%).The op-ed entry should show evidence of independent research and reading. Aminimum of 5-10 relevant academic references should be used and correctlyreferenced in the paper, and sources used should go beyond […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello – I would like an review on the pdf ‘Black identity’ (the main article), discussing the reasons why black students underachieve. The introduction needs to include that I am a black woman and why the paper relates to me. Also, I would like you to include other papers (which I have attached) to support […]


We have seen increasing numbers of thefts from nightclubs, where people have their phone/wallet/handbag stolen. Its beginning to have an impact on us! To do some clever problem solving, we need to do some better research around the attitudes of people on a night out, particularly storing valuables. I need you to read through this […]

Social Care

You are required to complete a project on ONE of the following topics:     A client with a chronic illness such as Alzheimers disease or Parkinsons disease. OR    An older person with depression or other mental health illness. Your project should include the following aspects: Introduction 8 marks    Description of the illness and the prevalence […]

write a blog post for the general public based on the content you have learned throughout the term. The blog post should be 500 words

I want you to pretend you have been asked by the university to write a blog post aboutsomething you have learned in the Border Criminology Module. You should focus on anaspect of the module you have found interesng, or that you have developed an opinion onthat you think the general public might also be interested […]

Is there a causal link between drugs and crime? Support your answer with relevant facts and examples.

Carlgit reply: For this task, you need to choose an essay question from the list provided below andcomplete a 1,500-word essay that puts forward an original argument around, and substantialanalysis of, the selected topic.(Do not go over the 1800 words) this doesn’t include the bibliography. 20 References minimum required READING LIST: (MUST INCLUDE IN THE […]

For this assignment you are asked to review a Home Office policy document:

Home Office (2010). Protecng Our Border, Protecng the Public. The UK Border Agencys Five YearStrategy for Enforcing our Immigraon Rules and Addressing Immigraon and Cross Border Crime(London: Home Office). Available at:hps:// you are asked to make ajudgement on the policy put forward by the UK government in 2010. Make sure you commentcrically on the document. […]

Is there a causal link between drugs and crime? Support your answer with relevant facts and examples.

For this task, you need to choose an essay question from the list provided below andcomplete a 1,800-word essay that puts forward an original argument around, and substantialanalysis of, the selected topic.(Do not go over the 1800 words) this doesn’t include the bibliography. 20 References minimum required READING LIST: (MUST INCLUDE IN THE ESSAY)Drugs, Crime […]

Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Q2: “Illustrate the ‘ETL’ process, using a dataset that was not analysed before.” Q3: “Use one supervised and one unsupervised approach to analyse a dataset of your choice.” Q4: “Visualise the results from your analysis (for both supervised and unsupervised approaches) in an appropriate way. Justify your choices.”

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