Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Nutrition Misinformation

-Search and find a nutrition-related advertisement (Part 1). You may usea magazine article, website, YouTube video, advertisement (web-based or physical), videorecording, or any other form of media to find said nutrition-related quackery/nutrition fraud. -Provide a 1-sheet document (1- or 2-sided) to explain why the nutrition advertisement isnot a reliable source of nutrition information, using the […]

Early American Literature

respond to one of the following questions: Winthrop 1. Explain the political, social, or economic implications of Winthrops text. 2. Winthrop invites listeners to compare themselves to the Israelites journeying out of Egypt and into the promised land. What is the nature of his listeners bondage, and what will be the nature of their promised […]

Objectivity and Bias and the Social History and Cultural History Approaches

For this discussion please read the following:  “What is Ethnohistory?” and Suny – “Back and Beyond: Reversing the Cultural Turn?” –> both of these pieces will give you an excellent introduction to the emergence of the New Cultural History.  Then, turn to the example of the New Cultural History as used by a historian –> […]

Certification May Be Needed in Your Career as a Finance Major

OVERVIEW In co-operation with the instructor, you will conduct research to find out what kinds of professional certification may be needed in your career. First, you will conduct research using the internet and resources available in your major such as professors, your advisor, and written materials. You should do this research as a team, though, […]


Social Identity Reflection PaperAssignment Overview:All of us have multiple identities that are steeped in different cultures. Remember, culture is not bound to a particular place in the world. Each individual is the sum of different types of culture, thus multicultural. The purpose of this assignment is to help us think ourselves as multicultural individuals. Because […]

Tales of empowerment

How do the Grimm Brothers Little Red Cap, Angela Carters The Company of Wolves, And Tanith Lees Wolfland function as differing tales of empowerment? You may take into consideration Charles Perraults Little Red Riding Hood as well, but this is not required. Who (or what) is empowered in each tale? How? Your essay must include […]

Reducing 24 hour duty to 3 hour work shifts

    Task:  You write a report that does the following: o    defines a problem persuasively and accurately o    proposes a solution or solutions to the problem or issue o    presents that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation     Components of the report:  o    title page o    letter to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    According to the study, Understanding differences in sexting behaviours across gender, relationship status, and sexual identity, and the role of expectancies in sexting, what is expectancy theory? Answer this question by defining and fully explaining what expectancy theory is. Additionally, what did the study reveal about expectancy factors for sending and receiving sexts?     […]

Define How Behavior Impacts outcomes

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome: MT302M1-1: Describe the impact of individual behavior on business outcomes. Read the Scenario and respond to the checklist items in a 23- page paper: Scenario: The following four employees have different attitudes towards their jobs and different levels of job satisfaction which impacts their behavior on the job. […]

interpersonal communication

Answer first question using words and ideas from text. this is the text: Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285445830 CH. 6 Q 6.3. Describe an experience where someone was displaying poor listening skills when you were trying to communicate an important message and explain what […]

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