Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

compare and contrast

Instructions: This is a multi-part Writing Assignment. You must complete all three Parts. There is no minimum word requirement. However, you are expected to provide a thorough explanation and analysis. Required graphs must be DRAWN by you, scan or take photo of the graph, save as a PDF, and submit as part of your paper. […]

The underlying factors of psychopathic behaviour in youth

submit a proposal topic for your final paper. Yourtopic proposal should be 2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) andformatted according to APA style. You also need to utilize a minimum of 3 peerreviewed sources that were published within the last 5-7 years, in addition to thetextbook.Begin with an APA title page this […]

Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business.

Read the following: Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God: The Bibles teaching on the moral goodness of business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway. ISBN: 9781581345179.Submit a book review of 1,000 words in current APA format. Choose 1 chapter and write an in-depth review of the chapter you choose. Discuss 1 or 2 main points […]

Identify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation

InstructionsIdentify an emerging public safety ethical trend or organizational ethical issue and present the issue in a PowerPoint presentation. Conduct research into your issue and incorporate the results of your research, including high-quality references, into your presentation. The Ethical Issue Presentation shall cover all of the following topics: -Presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal […]

Chapter 6 – Essay 3

How would you measure crime in Edinburg, Tx? Is there e a community policing program? Do the neighbors encourage each other to report incidents to the police? Explain. Formatting: You must cite your textbook and provide information about the assignment from it.Helpful Links: Avoid writing in the first person. This means avoiding I, my, you, […]

Competencies for Risk Managers

Competencies for Risk Managers Part 1 Overview Read the nine mini-case study series from the Project Management Institute on the Global Green Books Publishing company before starting this assignment. The readings were assigned during Week 6. Instructions Write a 34-page paper in which you: Discuss at least three challenges that project managers face as effective […]

Communication Paper about sex

Use the movie friends and benefitIf you are using other movie please ask me firstPlease dont use complecated sentences. Use shorter sentences that make the writer look like international studetn, I have attached the rubric and a reading that you need to use below. I also found some articles that will help you. You can […]

Real Estate; Eminent Domain & Condemnation

Explore and explain eminent domain and condemnation under Florida law. The report should cite appropriate Florida statutes and at least one Florida state case involving eminent domain. I may also examine articles on this topic in the Florida Bar Journal and in law review articles that specifically discuss eminent domain and condemnation under Florida state […]

Event Planning

prepare a slide (.pptx and no more than 10 slide pages) to answer the following questions1.    Please interpret your understanding of the event theme, The Old West Meets the 21st Century. Be specific, what elements does this theme contain? How it will influence your design and entertainment design 2.    What color(s) will you choose for […]


Please view Gad Elmaleh’s American Dream on Netflix Identify one quote from American Dream that stands out to you. This quote is what could be called a flashpoint. A flashpoint is “a quote that resonates with you, that reflects a moment of high interest in the text. It’s not so much a ‘main idea’ as […]

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