Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Cloud Computing

A paper for the “Technical Writing” course. TOPIC: Select a product or a process that is trending in your discipline. This can be a relatively new (last 5 years) process your chosen industry is adopting, or a relatively new technology your industry is adopting. I choose: CLOUD COMPUTING Do the following: 1. Find three reliable, […]

Safety Management System Policy Statement Exercise

Scenario for DiscussionSMS Policy Statement ExerciseListed below is the safety policy statement written by Snyder Safe Airline. As a safety officer within your organization, you have been asked to review and ensure it meets the requirements of a safety policy statement under Part 5. Analyze whether it meets the SMS requirements, and if not, identify […]

Eminent Domain and Condemnation

Explore and explain eminent domain and condemnation under Florida law. My report should cite appropriate Florida statutes and at least one Florida state case involving eminent domain. I may also examine articles on this topic in the Florida Bar Journal and in law review articles that specifically discuss eminent domain and condemnation under Florida state […]

Discussing the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management.

Your assignment is to write a research paper discussing the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management.  Questions that you should answer, but are not limited to include: 1. What are the effects on airport design and the frequency of airport pavement replacement and repairs?  2. What are the effects on taxiway and apron […]

Stress and Sleep

Look over the list you created from the Stress and Sleep booklet on external stressors. Using that list name at least two common external stressors you may be able to eliminate from your life. -How do you think you can eliminate them?-Will it be easy or difficult to do so? Maybe you have a ritual […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize  the video and article that you reviewed for this assignment and cite the summaries  in APA style. (See Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) and Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)). Compare and contrast the messages in the two web resources, including a comparison of subject, occasion, audience, […]


Assignment 1: Journal Article CritiqueExpectation: 625-700 words (not including title page and references), based on a template, using APA StyleArticle:Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339-351. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.5.339. InstructionsYou are required to complete a journal article critique based on an article in the list below. This […]

5 features of emotional intelligence

Professional nursing demands emotional intelligence in the five domains of emotional intelligence:  Emotional self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill.  Please also see attached article, 5 features of emotional intelligence, for more information on the domains of emotional intelligence. Reference Beqiri, G. (2018).  5 features of emotional intelligence.  Virtual Speech.  Retrieved from For you […]

Ethics in the News Reflection

Ethics in the News Mini-Statements (5 x 2%)The role and art of reflection has been shown to be a critical leadership skill that enhances onesability to make ethical decisions by directly relating abstract ideas to personal values on a regularbasis. Therefore, you will be asked to submit a minimum of five short mini-statements onrelevant news […]

Unit 6 Assignment

Identify a program in your local community that is addressing healthy living at the individual level. Examples include, but are not limited to YMCA programs, worksite wellness, local hospital or clinic wellness programs, etc.Provide a brief description of the program and how it contributes to healthy living on both physical and mental health levels.Discuss how […]

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