– Only required to make a page for admins to respond to the customer’s enquiries, under Enquiry Status > Update (staff will reply to customer’s enquiries from here)– Page for customers to view their own enquiry and check if it has been answered by admin– If enquiry has been answered, display admin’s answers -from Constance’s […]
Archive for the ‘Websites, web programming’ Category
Create a Bootstrap site using Dreamweaver.
Topics for the site: AnimalsWhat your site needs to include: Your site must be four pages.You need to use the Bootstrap nav bar, customize the colours, and change the hamburger icon to the words “menu”.You need to include a responsive hero image.You need to include six box elements.Your site needs to be responsive and adapt […]
Create a Bootstrap site using Dreamweaver.
Topics for the site: AnimalsWhat your site needs to include: Your site must be four pages.You need to use the Bootstrap nav bar, customize the colours, and change the hamburger icon to the words “menu”.You need to include a responsive hero image.You need to include six box elements.Your site needs to be responsive and adapt […]
Project 9-2 Account Balance Calculator
Project 9-2: Account Balance CalculatorCreate an application that calculates and displays the starting and ending monthly balances for a checking account and a savings account. ConsoleWelcome to the Account application Starting Balances Checking: $1,000.00 Savings: $1,000.00 Enter the transactions for the month Withdrawal or deposit? (w/d): w Checking or savings? (c/s): c Amount?: 500 Continue? […]
Simple CRM
Need to use spring boot app (java), angular in vs code, and MySQL for database. Need to be able to create, edit, delete, update customers in a database and pick a service to assign to each customer and add a price. Needs to be styled with CSS and be responsive. I am looking for something […]
To get a better idea of how you build your web applications and where your skill level is at, I would like to see you build a web application using test data from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/. I would like you to complete this challenge using Vue.js The application should: -Make use of the users, posts, and comments […]
VueJs API application
To get a better idea of how you build your web applications and where your skill level is at, I would like to see you build a web application using test data from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/. I would like you to complete this challenge using Vue.js The application should: Make use of the users, posts, and comments […]
Project 8-2 Person Manager
Project 8-2: Person ManagerCreate an application that lets you enter a new customer or a new employee. ConsoleWelcome to the Person Manager Create customer or employee? (c/e): Error! This entry is required. Try again. Create customer or employee? (c/e): p Error! Entry must be ‘c’ or ‘e’. Try again. Create customer or employee? (c/e): c […]
JavaScript for beginners
1.Create an html page, add 3 text boxes in which the user will input 3 numbers :a,b,cAdd a button that, on click, will calculate ((a*b) + (b*c)) / (a+b). The result will be displayed in an alert. 2. Create an html page, add 3 text boxes in which the user will input 3 numbers :a,b,cAdd […]
Project 7-3: Guessing Game
Project 7-3: Guessing GameConvert a previous application so it uses classes to organize its code. ConsoleWelcome to the Guess the Number Game ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I’m thinking of a number from 1 to 100. Try to guess it. Enter number: 50 You got it in 1 tries. Great work! You are a mathematical wizard. Try again? (y/n): […]