CCJS 311 Assignment Instructions

CCJS 311 Assignment Instructions
Assignment 1: QUIZ (3 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
The student will complete a quiz on the principles of Law Enforcement Intelligence. Please respond to these 5 written questions; each question is worth 20% of course the points available for this project. Please provide citations accordingly.  Each answer is evaluated based on grammar, content (factual/accuracy) and completeness (fully addresses the question). The Quiz focuses on material covered in first three lessons. Be sure to write down the question followed by your detailed responses to the questions.
Quiz questions:
1.    What is the difference between intelligence and information?
2.    If there is an act of terrorism in the United States who has jurisdiction to investigate the crime?
3.    Explain the basics principles of intelligence-led policing?
4.    What is the purpose of a collection plan? Provide examples of how you might use a collection plan for a drug related case?
5.    How do these terms applied to intelligence reporting? Reliability, viability, and validity

Assignment 2: Project 1: The Intelligence Report (4 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 1 Instruction and Materials
Project 1:  Scenario: There is a Top Secret intelligence report that a terrorist organization based in the Middle East is planning to plant a dirty bomb in the inner harbor of major American city in the next 48 hours. The report has not been officially released or the classification reduced. You (the student) are the Chief of Police of this major metro city and do not have a security clearance at this time. The inner harbor is a major tourist attraction, a major shipping port and home to many international shipping companies, trade zones and military and federal government facilities.
You have heard the report exists but have not seen it.  As the Police Chief of (you choose the city e.g. Baltimore, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle etc) you have many questions about the report and many different agencies you will want to coordinate with.  You will identify the real Homeland Security, LE and Intelligence organizations within the jurisdiction of the city you have chosen.  Hint: First research the organizational police structure of the city you have chosen. Your own organization is your first resource.

Requirement:  Write a minimum 4 pages paper (double space, 12 Font, New Times Roman) explaining how you would deal with this yet unseen report.
1.    What actions would you take upon hearing of this report?
2.    What Federal, state, local or government agencies would want to contact?
3.    What questions would you want to ask about this report?
4.    If it were true who would you want to share it with? Can you share it? What factors (e.g. legal, operational, public safety) might impede sharing this information?
5.    Address at least ten of the following below concepts within your paper:
1.    Dissemination
2.    Differentiate between intelligence and information
3.    Intelligence products
4.    Strategic versus tactical intelligence
5.    Information sharing
6.    Jurisdiction
7.    Security classifications
8.    Public safety
9.    Intelligence roles
10.    Federal versus local, state, and/or tribal jurisdiction.
11.    Target identification
12.    Media/Hollywood portrayals
13.    Database security/security of data
14.    Value of intelligence
15.    Domain awareness
16.    Intelligence gap
17.    Collection plans
18.    Reliability, viability, and validity
19.    Security clearances

Assignment 3: Project 2: Directing the Intelligence Operation (4 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 2: You (the student) are Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. You received the murder crime statistics (See Table 1 – Western District Murder Chart for 20xx attached to this order) from your LE intelligence analyst for your statistics but you are not satisfied with what you were provided.
In your position as Commander of the Western District you have decided to direct your LE intelligence section to provide a much more comprehensive report.  You (the student) are going to write a requirement directive to the LE intelligence analyst section to provide more information.  Your directive to the analyst section should be at least 4 pages long and cover at least eight issues from the list below, covered during the past three weeks in class.
Asking the right questions
Written and oral communications
LE databases
Use of intelligence
Problem solving
US Constitution
Law enforcement
Release agreements
Vetting information
Intelligence failures
Fusion center
Intelligence outcomes
Information sharing
The directive to the LE intelligence analysts should include the following:
1.  Identify the potential value of this current information from an intelligence and LE perspective.
2.   Identify additional information (collection and research requirements) that you need for this report to help in your decision making for resource allocation and conducting operations.
3.   The directive should state which Federal, State and local LE resources, databases, internet sites and organizations the analysts should consider researching to gather information.
4.  Explain in the directive that various type of security, legal or privacy obstacles they may encounter in trying to get this information.
5.  This requirements directive should include the questions you want answered and type of analysis you expect.
First review the crime data sheet attached to the order. Your Intelligence Section gave that to you without any additional explanation or analysis. You are not happy so you write them a memorandum/directive to provide more information and a better product. You must first evaluate/decide what you think is missing from this information. What would you as the Police Chief need to know if this information were to be any value to help make decisions?
This requirement directive you are addressing to your Intelligence Section.
“I have reviewed your crime statistics report but it doesn’t provide me the information and analysis I need in order make decisions tactical, operation, strategic or LE resources decisions. First I want you to ——–(see questions below) Provide me information on…..Review the following LE databases or resources, organizations for information on .. in your research ensure you follow the rules on……
In your analysis I need you to what…….
1.      Identify additional information (collection and research requirements) that you need for this report to help in your decision making for resource allocation and conducting operations.
2.      The directive should state which Federal, State and local LE resources, databases, inter net sites and organizations the analysts should consider researching to gather information.
3.      Explain in the directive that various type of security, legal or privacy obstacles they may encounter in trying to get this information.
4.      This requirements directive should include the questions you want answered and type of analysis you expect.
Of course meet the other requirements stated in the assignment. Does this help?
PS: This is not a research. Treat this like you are writing a memorandum to your subordinates.
Assignment 4: Final Project: Intelligence Report Evaluation (7 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 3
Scenario:  You (the student) have been recently promoted to be the Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. Your LE intelligence section has provided you several intelligence reports on gang and drug activity in the district based on your earlier tasking (see below). You will evaluate the intelligence product provided by your LE intelligence analyst section.
1.      Do the products provide you sufficient information to make an informed decision? What is it missing from the reports? Are they speculative or well-reasoned and supported by evidence?
2.      Has the analyst collaborated with other agencies?
3.       Does the report generate additional questions to be researched?  Has the intelligence been validated?
4.      Have the analysts clearly separated the facts from the analysis?
5.      Are the sources reliable? If so, what are they and what is the likely data source? If the report is complete, what action does the chief take?
6.      Was the intelligence legally collected?
Two part requirement
1.      Write an evaluation of the reports addressed to the Intelligence Section of the assessment of their work.  At least 4 pages
2.      Write an Executive Summary to the Police Chief explaining your directions to the Intelligence Sections to develop the report, your evaluation of their work and your recommendations.  At least 3 pages
The following reports were submitted for review along with Crime Data chart (See attached file to this order) for Western District of Big City USA. The first report addresses the analysis of the Crime Data Chart and additional research. The second report is primarily based on confidential informant reporting and other investigative reports and databases.
Intelligence Report 1:  In 2013, 23 murders[1] occurred in the Western District. After conducting interviews with lead detectives and thoroughly reviewing the criminal databases, court records, and investigative reports, the Intelligence Section determined the most murder victims in the Western District[2] are tied to the two gangs, the Crips and Bloods who are operating within The Big City USA and the surrounding counties.  According to the Big City Gang Threat Assessment[3] the local branch chapters of the Bloods and Crips harbor deep hatred toward each other and each considers the other a rival.  While some of the murders appear to be gang revenge killings, some of the victims are not tied to either gang and their gang affiliation is unknown. Over half the murders have occurred on Stricter, W. Lafayette and W. Lexington well known streets for drug selling and gang activity. [4] Several of the victims were in possession of California licenses [5] and one murder victim held a foreign passport from the Western African nation, Tanzania.[6] In over 75% of the murders a 9 mm caliber weapon[7] was used. Small amounts of cocaine and heroin were found near several of the victims.
Intelligence Report 2:  According to confidential informant reporting[8] from the Big City detention facility the prison gang Black Guerrilla Family’s (BGS) is expanding their turf outside the Big City USA Detention Facility to the Western and Eastern Districts.   BGF members are well established in the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) and throughout the state.  Organized BGF activity has been reported in seven counties and Big City, mainly surrounding DPSCS facilities. [9] According to a defendant [10] seeking a favorable plea agreement for attempted murder the Black Guerrilla Family has reportedly obtained a new shipment of weapons via the Big City USA Port from an overseas supplier.  The informant says the Black Guerrilla Family intends to use those weapons to push out other gangs out of the Eastern and Western Districts to establish control over the illegal drug distribution in the districts.   Surveillance video and electronic listening devices [11]directed at a Black Guerrilla Family gathering at a public park recorded gang members discussing in vague terms new international and domestic sources for their products. It should be noted that the Black Guerrilla Family has reportedly several legitimate clothing stores which sell hip hop clothing manufactured overseas.  A  Big City USA undercover police officer also has reported that he heard several Black Guerrilla Family gang members discussing the “removal” of roadblocks in expanding their operations in the city back in April.
Doctrinal References for Students
Law Enforcement Analytic Standards (2nd End)
[1] Table 1 Big City Western Murder Statistics for 20XX
[2] Big City Gang Database
[3] Big City Threat Assessment dated  XX/XX/20XX
[4] Table 1 Big City Western Murder Statistics for 20XX
[5] Investigative Report dated
[6] Investigative Report dated
[7] FBI N- DEx
[8] Confidential Informant report dated xx/xx/20xx
[9] Big City Gang Taskforce Database
[10] Grand jury Testimony dated xx/xx/20xx

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CCJS 311 Assignment Instructions

CCJS 311 Assignment Instructions
Assignment 1: QUIZ (3 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
The student will complete a quiz on the principles of Law Enforcement Intelligence. Please respond to these 5 written questions; each question is worth 20% of course the points available for this project. Please provide citations accordingly.  Each answer is evaluated based on grammar, content (factual/accuracy) and completeness (fully addresses the question). The Quiz focuses on material covered in first three lessons. Be sure to write down the question followed by your detailed responses to the questions.
Quiz questions:
1.    What is the difference between intelligence and information?
2.    If there is an act of terrorism in the United States who has jurisdiction to investigate the crime?
3.    Explain the basics principles of intelligence-led policing?
4.    What is the purpose of a collection plan? Provide examples of how you might use a collection plan for a drug related case?
5.    How do these terms applied to intelligence reporting? Reliability, viability, and validity

Assignment 2: Project 1: The Intelligence Report (4 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 1 Instruction and Materials
Project 1:  Scenario: There is a Top Secret intelligence report that a terrorist organization based in the Middle East is planning to plant a dirty bomb in the inner harbor of major American city in the next 48 hours. The report has not been officially released or the classification reduced. You (the student) are the Chief of Police of this major metro city and do not have a security clearance at this time. The inner harbor is a major tourist attraction, a major shipping port and home to many international shipping companies, trade zones and military and federal government facilities.
You have heard the report exists but have not seen it.  As the Police Chief of (you choose the city e.g. Baltimore, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle etc) you have many questions about the report and many different agencies you will want to coordinate with.  You will identify the real Homeland Security, LE and Intelligence organizations within the jurisdiction of the city you have chosen.  Hint: First research the organizational police structure of the city you have chosen. Your own organization is your first resource.

Requirement:  Write a minimum 4 pages paper (double space, 12 Font, New Times Roman) explaining how you would deal with this yet unseen report.
1.    What actions would you take upon hearing of this report?
2.    What Federal, state, local or government agencies would want to contact?
3.    What questions would you want to ask about this report?
4.    If it were true who would you want to share it with? Can you share it? What factors (e.g. legal, operational, public safety) might impede sharing this information?
5.    Address at least ten of the following below concepts within your paper:
1.    Dissemination
2.    Differentiate between intelligence and information
3.    Intelligence products
4.    Strategic versus tactical intelligence
5.    Information sharing
6.    Jurisdiction
7.    Security classifications
8.    Public safety
9.    Intelligence roles
10.    Federal versus local, state, and/or tribal jurisdiction.
11.    Target identification
12.    Media/Hollywood portrayals
13.    Database security/security of data
14.    Value of intelligence
15.    Domain awareness
16.    Intelligence gap
17.    Collection plans
18.    Reliability, viability, and validity
19.    Security clearances

Assignment 3: Project 2: Directing the Intelligence Operation (4 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 2: You (the student) are Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. You received the murder crime statistics (See Table 1 – Western District Murder Chart for 20xx attached to this order) from your LE intelligence analyst for your statistics but you are not satisfied with what you were provided.
In your position as Commander of the Western District you have decided to direct your LE intelligence section to provide a much more comprehensive report.  You (the student) are going to write a requirement directive to the LE intelligence analyst section to provide more information.  Your directive to the analyst section should be at least 4 pages long and cover at least eight issues from the list below, covered during the past three weeks in class.
Asking the right questions
Written and oral communications
LE databases
Use of intelligence
Problem solving
US Constitution
Law enforcement
Release agreements
Vetting information
Intelligence failures
Fusion center
Intelligence outcomes
Information sharing
The directive to the LE intelligence analysts should include the following:
1.  Identify the potential value of this current information from an intelligence and LE perspective.
2.   Identify additional information (collection and research requirements) that you need for this report to help in your decision making for resource allocation and conducting operations.
3.   The directive should state which Federal, State and local LE resources, databases, internet sites and organizations the analysts should consider researching to gather information.
4.  Explain in the directive that various type of security, legal or privacy obstacles they may encounter in trying to get this information.
5.  This requirements directive should include the questions you want answered and type of analysis you expect.
First review the crime data sheet attached to the order. Your Intelligence Section gave that to you without any additional explanation or analysis. You are not happy so you write them a memorandum/directive to provide more information and a better product. You must first evaluate/decide what you think is missing from this information. What would you as the Police Chief need to know if this information were to be any value to help make decisions?
This requirement directive you are addressing to your Intelligence Section.
“I have reviewed your crime statistics report but it doesn’t provide me the information and analysis I need in order make decisions tactical, operation, strategic or LE resources decisions. First I want you to ——–(see questions below) Provide me information on…..Review the following LE databases or resources, organizations for information on .. in your research ensure you follow the rules on……
In your analysis I need you to what…….
1.      Identify additional information (collection and research requirements) that you need for this report to help in your decision making for resource allocation and conducting operations.
2.      The directive should state which Federal, State and local LE resources, databases, inter net sites and organizations the analysts should consider researching to gather information.
3.      Explain in the directive that various type of security, legal or privacy obstacles they may encounter in trying to get this information.
4.      This requirements directive should include the questions you want answered and type of analysis you expect.
Of course meet the other requirements stated in the assignment. Does this help?
PS: This is not a research. Treat this like you are writing a memorandum to your subordinates.
Assignment 4: Final Project: Intelligence Report Evaluation (7 PAGES LONG, 5 References)
Project 3
Scenario:  You (the student) have been recently promoted to be the Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. Your LE intelligence section has provided you several intelligence reports on gang and drug activity in the district based on your earlier tasking (see below). You will evaluate the intelligence product provided by your LE intelligence analyst section.
1.      Do the products provide you sufficient information to make an informed decision? What is it missing from the reports? Are they speculative or well-reasoned and supported by evidence?
2.      Has the analyst collaborated with other agencies?
3.       Does the report generate additional questions to be researched?  Has the intelligence been validated?
4.      Have the analysts clearly separated the facts from the analysis?
5.      Are the sources reliable? If so, what are they and what is the likely data source? If the report is complete, what action does the chief take?
6.      Was the intelligence legally collected?
Two part requirement
1.      Write an evaluation of the reports addressed to the Intelligence Section of the assessment of their work.  At least 4 pages
2.      Write an Executive Summary to the Police Chief explaining your directions to the Intelligence Sections to develop the report, your evaluation of their work and your recommendations.  At least 3 pages
The following reports were submitted for review along with Crime Data chart (See attached file to this order) for Western District of Big City USA. The first report addresses the analysis of the Crime Data Chart and additional research. The second report is primarily based on confidential informant reporting and other investigative reports and databases.
Intelligence Report 1:  In 2013, 23 murders[1] occurred in the Western District. After conducting interviews with lead detectives and thoroughly reviewing the criminal databases, court records, and investigative reports, the Intelligence Section determined the most murder victims in the Western District[2] are tied to the two gangs, the Crips and Bloods who are operating within The Big City USA and the surrounding counties.  According to the Big City Gang Threat Assessment[3] the local branch chapters of the Bloods and Crips harbor deep hatred toward each other and each considers the other a rival.  While some of the murders appear to be gang revenge killings, some of the victims are not tied to either gang and their gang affiliation is unknown. Over half the murders have occurred on Stricter, W. Lafayette and W. Lexington well known streets for drug selling and gang activity. [4] Several of the victims were in possession of California licenses [5] and one murder victim held a foreign passport from the Western African nation, Tanzania.[6] In over 75% of the murders a 9 mm caliber weapon[7] was used. Small amounts of cocaine and heroin were found near several of the victims.
Intelligence Report 2:  According to confidential informant reporting[8] from the Big City detention facility the prison gang Black Guerrilla Family’s (BGS) is expanding their turf outside the Big City USA Detention Facility to the Western and Eastern Districts.   BGF members are well established in the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) and throughout the state.  Organized BGF activity has been reported in seven counties and Big City, mainly surrounding DPSCS facilities. [9] According to a defendant [10] seeking a favorable plea agreement for attempted murder the Black Guerrilla Family has reportedly obtained a new shipment of weapons via the Big City USA Port from an overseas supplier.  The informant says the Black Guerrilla Family intends to use those weapons to push out other gangs out of the Eastern and Western Districts to establish control over the illegal drug distribution in the districts.   Surveillance video and electronic listening devices [11]directed at a Black Guerrilla Family gathering at a public park recorded gang members discussing in vague terms new international and domestic sources for their products. It should be noted that the Black Guerrilla Family has reportedly several legitimate clothing stores which sell hip hop clothing manufactured overseas.  A  Big City USA undercover police officer also has reported that he heard several Black Guerrilla Family gang members discussing the “removal” of roadblocks in expanding their operations in the city back in April.
Doctrinal References for Students
Law Enforcement Analytic Standards (2nd End)
[1] Table 1 Big City Western Murder Statistics for 20XX
[2] Big City Gang Database
[3] Big City Threat Assessment dated  XX/XX/20XX
[4] Table 1 Big City Western Murder Statistics for 20XX
[5] Investigative Report dated
[6] Investigative Report dated
[7] FBI N- DEx
[8] Confidential Informant report dated xx/xx/20xx
[9] Big City Gang Taskforce Database
[10] Grand jury Testimony dated xx/xx/20xx

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