College resume

Project description
You may upload a resume to be added to your application file. You may wish to include information such as:
Academic Honors
Extracurricular Activities
Religious Activities
Work Experience
Education TRAVEL
Community Service/Volunteer Activities

About Me:
I work at a POstal Annex- add that i am a employye who works 20 hours/wk , what a postal annex is and that i work the register, and kepp invetory as well as stock shelves and close the shop.
I did cross country freshman year, soccer freshman-sophomore year, rock climbing club sophomore year, newspaper club sophomore year, green club (a recycling club which falls under

volunteering and an extracirricular) sophomore year.
i lived in italy for 3 1/2 years best experience of my life. recived the cougar award in middle school for best academic achievment, participation, and overall thrive for school. i played for pride

soccer club team from sophmore-junior year of highschool. i am part of the fourtneers club in colorado. also i partcipatee in a youth group called younglife, and am applying to be a younglife


write this in a college resume format and can add or shorten it plus make it sound intelligent and thrive for education and a purpose.

can ask me for more info

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