Current controversial issue
You will write a 5-6 page paper covering one particular political, social, or economic controversy. The paper must recognize and forcefully present
your argument as well as address the various perspectives and counter-argument (which means you must provide a history for the pro position and a
history for the con position). Analyze the supporting evidence, dont just list it. You have been provided a partial list of controversial topics, as
well as those from student suggestions in class.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of drugs that can control the unconscious (memories, feelings, dreams) especially on those who have
suffered traumatic experiences (war, abuse, other psychological trauma) that affect the ability to function? Are these drugs more dangerous to
society that they are beneficial to individuals?
2. Is childhood/teenage bullying a growing problem in the U.S.? Should laws be enacted to protect children from bullies on the internet or at
schools? Should lawsuits be filed against individuals or groups accused of bullying? Should persons be able to collect settlements from these
3. Can citizens of countries with totalitarian rulers enjoy any quality of life? How much? Is the United States vilifying leaders who have done some
good for their countries but are not democratic? Why have totalitarian leaders functioned so long in certain countries? (Look at Iraq, Iran,
Afghanistan, North Korea, Syria, Myanmar.)
4. Is war the best way to end dictatorships or totalitarian regimes? Should the U.S. serves as the international police in such situations or should
the United Nations take a larger role in promoting diplomatic strategies? Are there ways other than invading other countries to affect positive
change? (Look at Iraq, Georgia, Darfur, North Korea, Syria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and other hotbeds of violence.)
5. Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling which is more effective for learning? Which is more nurturing? Which prepares students for the challenges of
the real world?
6. Public Schooling vs. Private Schooling which is more effective for learning? Which is more nurturing? Which prepares students for the challenges
of the real world?
7. What should the American Family Unit look like in the 21st century? Can dad be the nurturer? Can mom be the primary wage earner? Can single
parents parent effectively? Can gay/lesbian parents provide a stable family unit? Is the traditional family unit disappearing or evolving for better
or for worse?
8. Are U.S. interrogation methods of prisoners and war criminals effective and necessary or cruel and outdated? Are there circumstances for national
security that warrant harsher interrogation methods? How do other countries interrogate prisoners? What should be the standards for interrogations?
(Look at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib, police arrests of minorities or economically disadvantaged persons.)
9. Why is the U.S. infant mortality rate higher than in other industrialized countries especially Europe? Are U.S. birthing methods causing higher
mortality rates? Are heath care decisions being made too rashly and carelessly to save mother and baby? Look at England, Russia, France, Germany and
their infant mortality rates and birthing methods compared to the U.S.
10. Is the U.S. government using media sources (TV, internet, print) to push its own bipartisan agenda (Republican or Democrat) or benefit lobbyists
or is the media benefitting citizens? Look at issues such as justification for war and the resent heath care debates.
11. Should advertising (online, television) be further censored or limited to protect consumers? Look at such