Paper details:
submit an essay covering ALL 4 topics mentioned above. I will go into more detail below about each topic. Here is a link to the application requirements if you would like to get a better idea of the hospital and so forth. Here are some ideas related to each topic that I ask you include (in a more formal manner of course though, please). 1. I am very interested in the pediatric field of nursing and love the idea of getting to rotate through different areas throughout the residency. Cooks Children’s is a prestigious hospital with lots of acknowledgement and recognition. 2. My goals and expectations are to be confident and comfortable in my nursing skills with the pediatric population. I expect to learn a tremendous amount of information and skills throughout the residency and hope to continue my passion working with children after completion. 3. The two values I ask you to focus on are caring and integrity. Nursing is so much more than getting by doing the bare minimum. I want to focus on going above and beyond for my patients and being an extreme patient advocate. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that have the greatest impact on a patient. For example, just taking the time to sit and talk to a patient that may be lonely or just needs someone to talk to. Nursing is so much more than passing meds, and doing a quick assessment… it involves emotional, psychiatric, and physical implications that are specific to each and every individual patient. 4. I have always had a passion for children and would be so blessed and excited to be able to experience such a wonderful program. (something along those lines for this topic please) You can google Cook Children’s Ft. Worth, Texas to get a better idea of the hospital and its values and all that! If you have any questions at all, please contact me. Please include these details in a more formal manner.