Evaluation is necessary to understand if outcomes are being met with any project. Evaluation begins during the program design, it continues at regular intervals during implementation, and it ends with the program completion. An evaluator can be a volunteer or a paid professional.
For this assignment, develop an internal and external evaluation plan for the project. Your plan should include the following:
Indicate how much money you have to spend (This should inform whether you should you look for a professional, a volunteer, or a graduate student in an evaluation program of study.).
Determine the complexity of the evaluation (What level of expertise is needed?).
Explain the type of data to be gathered
Determine the evaluation method (simple or complex).
Make sure you include the following information:
How will you select an evaluator?
What characteristics would be desirable?
What qualifications should the evaluator have?
also include
Appendix (with a mock letter of support)