
I upload this lecture (where you can find Mrs. C.) on materials. Please find the attachment.

Please write a discussion post for 375 words (instructions below) and then respond my classmate’s post for 175 words. Thanks!

For my own discussion post:
1. What type of services does Mrs. C. (in our Lecture) need? How would she go about getting the help she needs, especially in your selected state?
2. In addition to Mrs. C., how does a fragmented delivery system affect providers? What issues do providers need to consider in the efforts to improve delivery systems? What you can find that Mrs. C. could assess by phone. What is available via the Internet?
3. Assume Mrs. C is in a Medicare Advantage Plan. Please identify a way that the Chronic Care Act could be used to meet one of her needs. Try not to include something that has already been mentioned.

Here I copy and paste my classmate’s discussion post:
Where to begin with Mrs. C? First, she needs a safe and secure place to reside.  She may be able to remain in her current apartment, however multiple services would need to be brought: 1)home health nursing services to assist in gaining control of her health issues, in addition to assessing her cognitive and mental health capabilities/changes, 2) accessing Meals on Wheels to ensure Mrs. C is getting at least one good meal daily, and 3)social services programs that utilize case workers to assist Mrs. C in navigating this process.  Another factor contributing to Mrs. C’s situation is having multiple care providers. When many practitioners are involved in the medical care of patient, the consistency and continuity of care is rarely achieved; one provider may not know what another health provider is doing. This is a perfect situation for things to fall through the cracks and where patients like Mrs. C do not get the appropriate care and services that are much needed.

In CT, there are services that are available by phone or Internet provided an individual has a land-line phone or a computer with Internet access. The CT Department of Aging and Elder Services has a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) that provides a multitude of services; from transportation, to counseling and support services, to meal delivery programs. I also believe this is an opportunity where Mrs. C’s community/social circle needs to provide assistance as well.  Her landlord obviously knows she is not paying the rent, and rather than trying to evict her, I believe he/she should at the very least have a conversation with Mrs. C to determine what underlying factors may be at play. In addition, the recent loss of her husband I am sure has taken a physical, emotional, and mental toll on Mrs. C. One would have to believe that in the process of dealing with her husband’s death, she must have come in contact with people who would have been witness to her distressed state and that may be able to offer some assistance.

Assuming Mrs. C is in a Medicare Advantage Plan, that plan may include coverage for home health nursing services that would aid in the control and management of Mrs. C’s chronic health conditions. The plan may also offer services such as the use of Telehealth services so more routine care and oversight could be provided to Mrs. C.  in addition, th plan may also provide coverage for non-medical costs associated with the installation of wheel chairs ramps, the installation of grab bar rails in her bathroom, and counseling services that would address her false sense of reality.

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