Environment: Resource Dependence Theory. Academic Essay

Please answer the question directly

In your responses to each question you should be sure to discuss theory and reference at least 9 studies/articles in the literature. These references can be articles that you/we read and/or references that are described in our readings or any outside readings you find. In your response, please provide the full citations for any referenced work. All of the full citations should be included in a reference section at the end.
Please do not just respond with a bunch of quoted materials. I am interested in your views as supported by the literature. However, make sure you use quotes and identify page numbers if you are quoting material directly from a source. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
I am looking for clarity and a good sense of understanding of the OT literature and the main theory(ies) that underlies each question.

THe Question is:
4. A. What does OT tell us about the relationship between organizations and their environments?

B. Can organizations control their environments or does environment dictate organizational decision-making?
C. If you say both – then give conditions for each scenario and be specific about whether one is more likely (organization controlling environment or environment controlling organization) or if they are equally likely. Also, as part of your response, I would like you to be sure to
D. define and discuss:
1. organizational interdependencies,
2. causal textures
3. technological discontinuities. These three concepts must be incorporated into your response.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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