four views on hell

four views on hell

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VIII. Term Paper Instructions (read this carefully, and follow it closely for
The major writing assignment for the semester will consist of a term paper of
approximately 5-7 pages of body text plus a title page and bibliography?all in
one electronic document. Its genre will be that of the ?explanatory? essay; that
is, it will clearly state and explain the biblical and historical background of a
debated topic (doctrine) within Christian Theology. The primary purposes of this
assignment are (a) for you to develop writing and research skills and (b) to
provide an opportunity for you to dig deeper into a specific Christian doctrine.
To aid you in the successful production of this paper, several preliminary
assignments will be completed and submitted. Below you will find details
regarding each.

A. Paper Proposal ?bring to tutorial session in completed form
To complete this assignment, craft a paper proposal and bring two printed
copies to receive credit and feedback. Careful work here will make it much
easier for you to succeed with the final product, and it will allow your professor
and peer tutors to help you start out on the right path. You need to have this
completed before your scheduled tutorial session.
This proposal requires at least the following components:
1. Your research question. The answer to this question will become your
thesis. It must be a question to which differing answers have been or
could be given, i.e., it needs to be a question about which you can
argue. All papers need to demonstrate familiarity with the relevant biblical
texts, but you can take this in a few directions. (Note that, regardless of
your approach, you will likely touch briefly on all aspects of the topic, to
provide background. For example, when dealing with a particular
!7 tradition?s teaching you will also engage the historical and biblical
background regarding the doctrine.) Here are three basic options:
i. Ask about biblical teaching concerning your doctrine. (E.g., ?What is
the biblical teaching about the nature of baptism??)
ii. Ask about a particular tradition?s position on a doctrine. (E.g., ?What
is the proper Lutheran understanding of the real presence of Christ in
Holy Communion??)
iii. Ask about the historical development of a doctrine. (E.g., ?Why did
free-church ecclesiology become important for evangelicals who left
Europe for North America?? or ?How did the doctrine of the
Immaculate Conception of Mary become important in Roman
Catholic theology?)

2. Your formal principle. You will get extensive help on this in class and
tutorials. This portion will be brief (one sentence). It discloses your
particular posture as you approach theology. If you are an evangelical
Christian, you might indicate that your paper will assume that the basis of
theology is Scripture alone. If you are Roman Catholic, you might indicate
that you will approach your topic in a way that draws from Scripture,
church tradition, and church authority. You are welcome ?try on? a
formal principle if you want. For instance, if you aren?t sure of your
personal theological commitments, you can write the paper ?as if? you
are a Lutheran. Finally, if you don?t share faith in Christianity, you are
welcome to write a paper that assumes some other source of authority,
such as reason. In such a case, you will still need to investigate the biblical
material, but you will likely focus your paper on the historical development
of doctrine. See your professor for further clarification on this portion, if
3. Annotated bibliography. Locate and list (using your style guide to
ensure these are presented using the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines
for bibliographic references) at least four relevant, academic sources that
explicitly address and answer your question. Make sure you choose a
range of perspectives. That is, don?t simply use materials that agree with
each other. These sources may be books, essays included in books,
journal articles, or, in rare cases, magazine articles. Internet pages are not
normally allowed for this assignment, though you may use peer-reviewed
articles that are accessible online (ask if you can?t identify the difference).
Then provide concise summaries of each source. For our class, these
summaries can be from 1 sentence to a short paragraph, but be sure to
state the basic thesis or way in which the source will help you address your
question. This will allow your professor and tutors to ensure that you have
the right resources before you set out on your project.
3. A basic outline. Craft a preliminary outline for your paper. This will allow
you to clearly articulate?to yourself and your professor?the intended
organization, argumentation, and method of your argument. It need not
be developed beyond 5 lines.
5. Final Draft
On the basis of feedback and reflection on your first draft, you now need only
elaborate, revise and resubmit. Granted, necessary revisions may be extensive;
but if sufficient work went into the preliminary assignments, many of your revisions
will likely be cosmetic. You will especially want to pay attention to grammar,
syntax, and spelling (including the avoidance of clich?s and colloquialisms).
Similarly, you will want to ensure that your final version is consistent with Chicago
Manual style. Poor attention to this can result in one letter grade reduction;
disregard for the manual in flagrant and unprofessional ways may result in
ungraded, returned papers that earn no credit. Finally, you will want carefully to
comb your essay to ensure that you have avoided all intentional or accidental
plagiarism. Once convinced that your paper is complete, you will submit a copy
to me through Blackboard?s SafeAssign; this can catch almost all plagiarism so
maintain the integrity of your work.
If you are having trouble narrowing down a suitable topic for your thesis
question, you might consider simply making use of one of the books listed below.
Each consists of a collection of essays on a particular topic, with each author
defending a thesis counter to the other authors included in the volume. You may
choose the volume?s topic as your own and then frame your thesis question in
light of the question each of the volume?s authors attempt to answer; similarly,
you may then include each of the individual essays within the volume (excluding
the introduction) as a source for your bibliography. (Asterisks below denote titles
on closed reserve in the library, under the name MALLINSON.)
*The Historical Jesus: Five Views (ed. James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy)
The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views (ed. James K. Beilby and Paul R.
Justification: Five Views (ed. James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy)
!10 *Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World (ed. Dennis L. Okholm and
Timothy R. Phillips)
Four Views on Eternal Security (ed. J. Matthew Pinson)
What About Those Who Have Never Heard? Three Views (ed. Gabriel
Fackre et al.)
*Five Views on Law and Gospel (ed. Stanley N. Gundry)
*Five Views on Sanctification (ed. Stanley N. Gundry)
*Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? 4 Views (ed. Wayne Grudem)
Baptism: Three Views (ed. David F. Wright)
The Lord?s Supper: Five Views (ed. Gordon T. Smith)
*The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views (ed. Robert G. Clouse)
*Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond (ed. Darrell L. Bock)
*Four Views on Hell (ed. William Crocket)
Two Views of Hell (ed. Edward William Fudge and Robert A. Peterson)
*Science and Christianity: Four Views (ed. Richard F. Carlson)
Three Views on Creation and Evolution (ed. J.P. Moreland and John Mark
Church, State, and Public Justice: Five Views (ed. P.C. Kemeny)
Christ & Culture (Niebuhr, H. Richard) [Lists five views of how Christians
interact with
their social and political culture.]


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