

Order Description

Please be thorough on the instruction of the assignment.

9 resources include the video files to watch to do the homework.
If writer read the instructions of the assignment than he/she will know why.
One video is divided into 5 parts and one more additional clip to watch so it make total of 6 sources
and 2 readings.

*Besides citing the video you will need to cite at least ONE other source in your discussion and include a reference page.

Assignment Instructions
•    The Rich and Rest of Us (Smiley & West, 2012), Chapter 4
•    Burt, M., Aron, L., Lee, E., & Valente (2001). Helping America’s homeless: Emergency shelter or affordable housing. Chapter One. New York: Urban Institute


Directions: There are 2 parts to this post
Part One:
Watch the 5 part video series “On Skid Row”
Directed by Sam Slovick
February 17, 2008
Good Magazine: On Skid Row Part 1: Introduction

Good Magazine: On Skid Row Part 2: Kids
Good Magazine: On Skid Row Part 3: Drugs
Good Magazine: On Skid Row Part 4: God
Good Magazine: On Skid Row Part 5: Afterword

Nowhere To Go But Jail? • OverCriminalized #3: Homelessness • BRAVE NEW
Part 3

Answer these questions:
1.    Go to the following link and read the facts regarding criminalizing the homeless:
2.    Is the criminalization of the homeless necessary? What’s the alternative?
3.    In the video, it showed how many of the shelters are run by religious organizations. Do you think they can do a better job with the homelessness problem than

government programs?
4.    How does Skid Row in LA compare to the homeless situation in New York?
5.    What solutions would you offer to solve the homeless problem?
Part Two:
Often homelessness is not caused by one factor alone but results from a series of events. Concurrent unbearable conditions, situations, or issues also sometimes cause

homeless- ness. Therefore, many seemingly unrelated issues are actually interconnected: they weave a web from which escape can be difficult. The challenges can be

*Read each of the 4 profiles. Choose ONE and immerse yourself in it.
1. List and describe at least 3 organizations your profile person could turn to for help in their situation (you will need to cite the actual organization and provide

a url to their homepage).
2. Describe how you would feel if you were in their shoes. Is it easy to get back on your feet? Frustrating? Frightening?
I’m a Vietnam vet. I’ve tried to put it all behind me, but sometimes I just break down. I’ve been fired from jobs several times. I wish there was someone I could turn

to. The friend I was staying with recently got back together with his wife, so I can’t sleep there anymore. I have nowhere to stay and no one will hire me because of

my history. I’ve only got about a00 in savings.
o    A place to stay (at least temporarily) Mental health counseling
o    A job of some sort
o    PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
o    Inaccessibility of veteran services
o    Lack of awareness of veteran services
o    Employment
I just loaded everything in my car and drove 600 miles to escape from my abusive ex-boyfriend. I’m pregnant with our 2nd child and my doctor instructed me to work no

more than 4 hours a day because I’ve been having some health problems. My son and I have been sleeping in the car for 2 weeks because the shelters are full, and no one

will hire me part-time because I don’t have daycare for my 3-year old.
o    A place to stay for you and your son
o    Domestic abuse counseling
o    A medical checkup
o    Daycare for your son
o    Job training (paid)
o    Domestic violence
o    Health care
o    Economic instability
I’m 14 years old. I ran away from home 4 months ago to get away from Dave, my step- dad. He used to hit me and he always yells. The first time I left, the social

worker brought me back because Dave promised that things would change. The threats and beatings only got worse after that because Dave said he’d show me who’s boss

since I thought I was so tough. So I bought a bus ticket—they can’t bring me back if they can’t find me. It’s hard being on the street, especially because I’m a minor,

so they won’t let me into the shelter. I’ve got pretty much nothing. I try to stay out of trouble, but I’m running out of cash, and my friends I met here say the

easiest way to make money is to sell drugs—or myself.
o    A safe, stable place to sleep
o    Legal counseling (for minors)
o    Abuse counseling Education
o    Child abuse by family member (sexual, physical, psychological)
o    Delinquency
o    Turning to prostitution (to support self)
I suffer from major depression. My insurance doesn’t cover mental health services, and I can’t afford the counseling and medication I need. I was a bus driver for 12

years until I got fired last month because I missed so much work. Often it’s just too hard to get out of bed, much less leave the house. My rent is a month overdue, so

my landlord is angry. My only family is my ex-wife and kids in Florida, but I can’t go to them for help. It‘s totally hopeless.
o    Counseling
o    Medication (Mental) health insurance
o    A job (income)
o    A support system
o    High cost of prescription drugs and therapy
o    Lack of proper follow-up after mental health treatments
o    Employment
Besides citing the video you will need to cite at least ONE other source in your discussion and include a reference page.
Here is another great source, Chapter One of the following book: Burt, M., Aron, L., Lee, E., & Valente (2001). Helping America’s homeless: Emergency shelter or

affordable housing. New York: Urban Institute Press.
Homelessness database of articles:


MORE homeless articles

NO Safe Place: The criminalization of Homelessness in US cities
The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty

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