
This assignment has several parts and all must be completed.

This units homework assignment has several parts and all must be completed.

Read the research report of Ms. Melissa Favreault entitled Discrimination and Economic Mobility.

(This article can be accessed by typing the following into your browser:  http://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/alfresco/publication-pdfs/1001156-Discrimination-and-Economic-Mobility.PDF

(Links to an external site.)

Next, watch the video entitled Michelle Alexander, author of “The New Jim Crow” – 2013 George E. Kent Lecture


Next, watch the video entitled Racism in America: Small Town 1950s Case Study Documentary Film


After watching the two videos and reading the article, answer the following questions:

1. With respect to Melissa Favreaults article, identify what you believe to be the most significant aspect of the report and explain why.
2. Describe how this report supports or refutes the data presented in chapter 11.
3. With respect to Michelle Alexanders video, do you believe the information she presents is a reality for large urban communities in the U.S. and if so, what is that reality?
4. Regarding Michelle Alexanders video, assuming the issues/concerns she raises are correct, what should communities do to address and correct these problems?
5. Regarding the video about Levittown, do we still see racially segregated communities as a result of some people simply not wanting to live near other people?

The response to this assignment must be 650 words at least. No plagiarism.

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