How is the biblical account of the Fall in Genesis reinterpreted in Milton?s Paradise Lost and Blake?s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell?

How is the biblical account of the Fall in Genesis reinterpreted in Milton?s Paradise Lost and Blake?s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell?

It needs to be composed of an introduction, several parts discussing the main ideas and arguments answering the topic, and a conclusion. my tutor expects interesting and well thought out

comments logically placed in several paragraphs, illustrated by precise examples and references.
The essay must not dwell over the stories of the texts studied in the question; writing a page where you sum up the stories of the set text is not asked.
The essay must also be composed of detailed footnotes and the end of the essay a precised bibliography. I must follow the MHRA modern humanities research association referencing system I

will be able to transfer to you all the set books and material the Open University has given me. This is the complete question of my essay–> How is the biblical account of the Fall in Genesis

reinterpreted in Milton?s Paradise Lost; Blake?s The Marriage of Heaven and
Hell? When you need to refer to Paradise lost or The Marriage of Heaven and Hell you must refer to the texts from the editions that the university has chosen.
you are allowed to use as many internet or book ressources as you like as long as you refer to the set books.

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