Human Resources in a Rapidly Changing World


Consider the role of HR in a rapidly-changing world.

What changes do you foresee the need for, due to continual advancements in technology and remote operations or due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a global pandemic or natural disaster?

Part 2: Respond To This Discussion Post Answer To The Same Answer As the Original Question Above In 100 Words By Asking Questions And Offering Opinions to Further Encourage Discussion:

Considering technology, HR has access to more tools than ever before. This is great for automating processes, especially as the role of HR continues to evolve, but it also means that todays HR executive has to be more data-driven and focused on results than ever before both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Because HR is now tasked with driving the business and the people forward together, finding the best of what is available in the market to attract, quickly mobilize and continuously develop talent has become increasingly important for HR executives.

The role of HR is more complex than ever. New and emerging technology has shifted the focus from personnel management and administrative tasks, todays HR departments at least the forward-thinking ones spend their energies managing employee engagement and strengthening culture. They are also charged with managing the employees themselves to increase the odds theyre happy at work and will continue to stick around for the foreseeable future.

Human Resources is at the front lines of employers response to the COVID-19 crises. The crisis is forcing almost every business to immediately develop, adapt or improve remote work policies and procedures. As HR keep employees safe and informed, it helps to think about what changes will be more permanent and how you will guide employees and organizational leadership through those changes. For most employers, the technology and communications infrastructure needed for successful remote work are available to employees. But HR needs to start now, collaborating closely with Finance, IT, and other departments to develop and implement new rules. For example, among the questions that need to be addressed: How must job descriptions change to accommodate part- or full-time remote work? How will you monitor and enforce attendance?

During the COVID-19 crisis, changes in customer demand have caused a temporary spike in hiring in areas such as grocery while leading to massive layoffs in sectors such as hospitality. Even with those shifts and an overall rise in unemployment, efficient and effective hiring will continue to be important especially for the scarce skills required for the next normal in areas such as IT.

Culture is also vulnerable in times of crisis when decisions are being made on the financial survival takes priority over almost everything else. Unfortunately, culture is also impossible to automate as there is no technology solution that can preserve and enhance organizational culture.

In response to the current crisis, the slow pace of corporate bureaucracy has been replaced by clear goals, focused teams, and rapid decision making. CHROs have a key role to play in making sure that the change sticks. Leadership-development programs can provide support for faster, more responsive organizations.

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