Individual Report
Draw up an inventory of the wastewater pollutants generated by your entire household over the period of a week. Monitor toilet flushes, sink emptying, dishwashing volumes, etc. Do not handle wastes and do not have the wastes chemically tested. Obtain from literature typical concentrations of pollutants for each type of wastewater. Ignore stormwater runoff. The inventory should be for one household (unit or house) only.
For the second part of the assignment, use your inventory to investigate the possibility of using stormwater to replace certain water streams within your home. This could be for toilet flushing or for laundry use but not for potable water supply or indeed for outdoor garden use. This is a theoretical study only and you are not to attempt to physically connect stormwater supplies into your home. However, you should be able to estimate the volumes of municipal drinking water that you can save per month or per annum. In addition you are to draw up a table comparing the pollutant loadings that will be received at the downstream sewage treatment plant from your home both prior to and after a switchover to stormwater reuse. Describe also what infrastructure would be required to implement your proposed stormwater recycling scheme. This may involve the use of pre-filtering or first-flush diversion systems, holding tanks, pumps, etc.
Your report will consist two parts: i) the inventory and accompanying description and ii) feasibility analysis for using stormwater to replace mains water. Do not attempt any detailed design. The scope of the second part of the assignment (feasibility analysis) is quite large. You may decide to concentrate on one type of wastewater (toilet waste for example). Try to ensure your feasibility analysis (Part 2) is linked back to your Task
Draw up an inventory of the wastewater pollutants generated by your entire household over the period of a week. Monitor toilet flushes, sink emptying, dishwashing volumes, etc. Do not handle wastes and do not have the wastes chemically tested. Obtain from literature typical concentrations of pollutants for each type of wastewater. Ignore stormwater runoff. The inventory should be for one household (unit or house) only.
For the second part of the assignment, use your inventory to investigate the possibility of using stormwater to replace certain water streams within your home. This could be for toilet flushing or for laundry use but not for potable water supply or indeed for outdoor garden use. This is a theoretical study only and you are not to attempt to physically connect stormwater supplies into your home. However, you should be able to estimate the volumes of municipal drinking water that you can save per month or per annum. In addition you are to draw up a table comparing the pollutant loadings that will be received at the downstream sewage treatment plant from your home both prior to and after a switchover to stormwater reuse. Describe also what infrastructure would be required to implement your proposed stormwater recycling scheme. This may involve the use of pre-filtering or first-flush diversion systems, holding tanks, pumps, etc.
Your report will consist two parts: i) the inventory and accompanying description and ii) feasibility analysis for using stormwater to replace mains water. Do not attempt any detailed design. The scope of the second part of the assignment (feasibility analysis) is quite large. You may decide to concentrate on one type of wastewater (toilet waste for example). Try to ensure your feasibility analysis (Part 2) is linked back to your inventory (Part 1). This means you should select a technology that can handle the typical annual volumes and pollutant loads generated by your household. It also means that the technology should be appropriate for sitting in your household location.
Key Assignment Criteria
Content (50)
? Relevant to the topic (covers every aspect of the topic-key words)
? Topic covered in depth
? Logical arguments
? Variety of viewpoints
? Appropriate use of information and theory
? Appropriate use of materials from other articles
Style (15)
? Appropriate layout
? Fluent style
? Effective use of figures and tables
? Succinct writing
Originality (15)
? Demonstrated understanding of topic, knowledge gap, future directions
? Original and creative thoughts (own comments on what is read from articles)
Presentation (10)
? Legible
? Clear and unambiguous
Referencing (10)
? List of references
? Appropriate citations
? Proper style of reference list
Summary comment
The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are indicated by an X:
X GQ1: operate effectively with and upon a body of knowledge
GQ5: are committed to ethical action and social responsibility
X GQ2: are prepared for lifelong learning
GQ6: communicate effectively
GQ3: are effective problem solvers
GQ7: demonstrate an international perspective
X GQ4:can work both autonomously and collaboratively
Assignment grade/mark