International Law & Administrative Law

Three to five type written pages long, double-spaced. The cover sheet and reference page do not count for the three to five page report. Be concise and thorough about one topic you are interested in business law. You cannot cover a whole topic, but you can research and present an issue in a topic; the law, one or two court cases including the courts analysis and decision, and finally your ideas on the topic and concerns about the court decisions. T

The last Chapters will be covered in detail in Business Law as a junior in a college or university. The importance of your understanding of these concepts rest in the transactions you may be working on in your future careers. Examine these chapters for information and answer the last three questions in Discussion.

the topic of your interest. Choose a topic related to business that you want to investigate. Your paper should have 3-5 pages of material on the topic. Do a cover page and a reference page. The cover and reference!



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