Italian Renaissance

For this first writing assignment you’ll need to have read the Introduction to Prof. Turner’s textbook “Renaissance Florence” as well as chapters 1 through 3 in the same textbook. You will also have read Prof. Bondanella’s Introduction in her “The Renaissance Reader” and the first two of my “Helpful Notes” in Blackboard. Using both Turner and Bondanella as resources write an essay discussing the relationships between art, religion, education, Italy’s geography, and the economy in the city state of Florence.

Then, using my “Helpful Notes”, discuss why art was so important during the Italian Renaissance. Using Turner’s own words in quotes (with page numbers) describe why he saw Florence as a “marketplace for art”. What examples does he use to illustrate that phrase? Using the second of my “Helpful Notes” discuss why the influence of ancient Roman art was so important to the Italians.

Finally, using Bondanella’s own words (with page numbers) as part of your discussion, analyze the relationship of Humanism to what she describes as the “cultural rebirth” in the Italian Renaissance.

Again, be sure to use direct quotes from these textbooks and provide the appropriate page numbers (in parentheses) for either author as part of your analyses

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