Assignment Rubric
What do you know about the patient? What is the key information? What do you still need to find out? 100-150 words
Identify the important information within the case study to support your diagnoses. Identify additional information you need to clarify or support your diagnosis.
Identify 3 provisional diagnoses?
EG. Chest pain may be myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, pericarditis
Discuss your final diagnosis and the pathophysiology behind the diagnosis? 300-500 words This is a brief overview of the pathophysiology of one (1) diagnosis.
0 = no information 1=partial information 2=identification of major important information
1=3diagnoses 0=<3 4 0=does not answer, 1= poor explanation of pathophysiology of chosen diagnosis, 2=adequate explanation of pathophysiology but explanation but discussion lacks depth, 3= Pathophysiology explained but ideas could be more succinct or linked better with the case. 4=Pathophysiological processes and mechanisms very clearly explained and linked to the case Discuss the implications for paramedic practice. 100-300 words EG. Neutropenia is a true medical emergency and requires rapid transport to hospital because… Infection control practices need to be adapted because… Minimise invasive therapy such as IV cannulation because… 3 1=1 implication for practice, with rationale 2=2 implications for practice with rationales, 3=3 Good discussion of implications for practice with rationales Please reference at the end of the assignment It is expected that you research the condition from both text books and current literature. From journal articles are expected to be part of your literature search (Less than 10 years old). You will also review the clinical practice guidelines of at least two (2) Australian state clinical practice guidelines. The goal is to provide up to date evidence based practice for the management of the patient’s condition.