Leadership Ethics and Diversity in Education

1) I think that students perform better in integrated classrooms because, as the article states, integrated classrooms “encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity”. Critical thinking skills are a crucial part of applying knowledge. Many of the standardized tests that students take try to assess their critical thinking skills. So, if the classroom environment promotes this kind of learning, then it makes sense that students in these classes would have higher scores. Critical thinking is also important for problem solving. The article also mentions that students from an integrated classroom have higher self-confidence in their academic abilities, which may encourage attending college.

2) The benefits of an integrated classroom are numerous. As previously mentioned, academic benefits are present. The article mentions that Stanford’s Center for Educational Policy Analysis confirms that integrated classrooms close the racial achievement gap better than most other policies. This may also have to do with civic and social-emotional benefits that integrated classrooms promote. The article mentions that diverse schools reduce racial biases because the students become more comfortable with people of other races. This can cut down on racism in the school.

One benefit that I think the article does not mention is that integrated classrooms can promote learning of another’s culture. There are many traditions, celebrations, languages, foods, and pop culture across the different ethnicities. Learning about another person’s culture can spark new conversations, understandings, and friendships.

3) The principal should advocate for the integration of their school. They should lead in an ethical manner, which, according to Northouse, is “rooted in respect, service, justice, and honesty” (Northouse, 2019). Northouse continues and discusses that the leader should place others’ welfare before their own, be fair in decision making, and committed to building a community (Northouse, 2019). Diverse students should feel like they are being treated with respect, fairness, and justice, as should all students. Principals should ensure that the learning needs of the diverse students are being met. Some students may need interpretation services, intervention services, gifted services, etc.

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