M005 Leading in a Changing World

1 Assignment Area
1.1 End of Module Assignment Brief
M005 Leading in a Changing World
End of module blog assignment briefing
Writing as a future leader or manager in your chosen sector of business, develop a Leadership Blog that respond to the following 5 themes:

1 Leadership and Ethics
2 The challenge of managing diverse teams
3 Most effective leadership style to managing the work of subordinates
4 Managing change
5 Why should anyone be lead by you (double weighted)

Deadline: See moodle for assignment deadline
Format: Public Word Press Blog (converted to a word doc for submission) with a cover sheet including link to your word press blog*
Word Count: 3750 (approx. 750 words per blog)
*You must include a link to your blog on the cover sheet of your submission – failure to do so will cause you to fail the assignment.
Click this Cover Sheet for M005 End of Module Assignment.docx link to view and download the file.

Marking criteria:
? Up to 20 marks are awarded for active class participation including your case study presentation and evidence of learning from the participation.
? Up to 20 marks are awarded for the development & use of a blog to attract and engage with followers (this includes 10 marks for generating comments from followers and 10 marks for professional writing style including evidence based ideas & Harvard referencing style)
Up to 60 marks for demonstrating new knowledge about individuals, teams &organisations in relation to your chosen industry.
Theme 1: Leadership and Ethics
Please respond to the following statement: “Ethical Leadership is defined as “the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement and decision-making”… [and] the evidence suggests that ethical leader behavior can have important positive effects on both individual and organizational effectiveness” (Rubin et al 2010: 216-17).
It is recommended that you post your 1st blog by week 3 to start generating responses before you submit your work through moodle
To help you put the right emphasis on this theme you should consider it in 2 parts:

Part 1: Ethical leadership, is defined as “the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement and decision-making”… [and] ?
Part 2: the evidence suggests that ethical leader behavior can have important positive effects on both individual and organizational effectiveness (Rubin et al 2010: 216-17).

Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
? Part 1: What are the different sides of this debate ie the 2 principle areas of ethics? (see Unit 1 for a brief summary) and what model of leadership have you chosen to help to define the complex concept of ethical leadership?
? Part 2: What organisational examples of good and bad ethical behaviour from your chosen industry illustrate this debate?
? What are your conclusions from this debate for your understanding of the role of a manager or leader in your chosen industry?
Checklist. After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:
1. Made reference to the 2 principle schools of ethics, their benefits and limitations and 1 model of ethical leadership.
2. Used real-life industry examples to highlight the impact ethical and non-ethical leadership behaviour can have on individual and organisational effectiveness
3. Made recommendations for managers on how to use knowledge of effective ethical behaviour to produce better results.
What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views.
Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.
Theme 2: The challenge of managing diverse teams
Please respond to the following statement: “Research has consistently shown that diverse teams produce better results, provided they are well led. The ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures, and generations and leverage all they have to offer, therefore, is a must-have for leaders” (Ibarra and Hansen 2011: 71).
It is recommended that you post your 2nd blog by week 5 to start generating responses before you submit your work through moodle
To help you to put the right emphasis on this theme you should consider it in 2 parts:

Part 1: “Research has consistently shown that diverse teams produce better results, providedthey are well led.” ?
Part 2: “The ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures, and generations and leverage all they have to offer, therefore, is a must-have for leaders” (Ibarra & Hansen 2011: 71).

Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
? Part 1: Draw on research, theories and team building models to help you explore the advantages and the challenges diverse teams bring to organisations
? Part 2: Is the ability to manage a diverse team the most important skill for your chosen industry? You must present your argument here and justify your response by making reference to leaders and organisations in your chosen industry. You have already explored your chosen industry in ECS so you can draw on your research from ECS to help you here.
? How might a manager use the knowledge of diversity to produce better results? Present your discussion drawing on your research and industry leaders.
? What are your conclusions from this debate?
Caution: Many students spend far too much of their allocated word allowance on the definition of a diverse team. We do not need long definitions of what a diverse team is. Ibarra and Hansen have already provided you with a reference here regarding some of the main components of a diverse team iepeople from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures and generations. We want you to focus on the research which examines the challenge of team diversity which will lead you to making recommendations for managing diverse teams.
Checklist. After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:
1. Made reference to team theory and research, analysing the advantages and limitations
2. Used real-life industry examples to highlight the importance of managing team diversity
3. Made recommendations for managers on how to use knowledge of diversity to produce better results, concluding with advantages and limitations.
What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views. Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.

Theme 3 – Most effective Leadership & Management Styles & approaches
Please respond to the following statement: “Which personal style should managers adopt to ensure success? What is the most effective approach to managing the work of subordinates? These questions have been extensively researched and debated over the last century, and while the general consensus has moved away from ‘command and control’ to management and leadership towards more consultative and participative approaches, there is no single ideal, as the best approach may vary according to circumstances and individual characteristics” (CMI 2013).
It is recommended that you post your 3rd blog by week 7 to start generating responses before you submit your work through moodle
To help you put the right emphasis on this theme you should consider it in 2 parts:
Part 1: Which personal style should managers adopt to ensure success? What is the most effective approach to managing the work of subordinates? These questions have been extensively researched and debated over the last century, and while the general consensus has moved away from ‘command and control’ management and leadership towards more consultative and participative approaches,
Part 2: there is no single ideal, as the best approach may vary according to circumstances and individual characteristics (CMI 2013).

Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
? Part 1: Based on leadership research, compare & contrast the similarities & differences between management & leadership
? Part 2: Based on the research what do you believe is the most effective approach to managing the work of subordinates.
? Following this discussion what is your response to the point of view suggested by the CMI 2013? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
? Provide 2 examples of leaders that fit your idea of how you would like to be led
? As a member of a team, reflect on how you would like to be managed or led?

Checklist. After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:
1. Made reference to management and leadership theories, including one useful model, analysing the advantages and limitations of the model.
2. Used real-life industry examples to highlight the impact good and bad leadership skills have on subordinates.
3. Made recommendations for managers on how to use knowledge of leadership skills to produce better results.
What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views. Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.
Theme 4 – Leadership & Change
Please respond to the following statement: “Change is nothing new and a simple fact of life. Some people actively thrive on new challenges and constant change, while others prefer the comfort of the status quo and strongly resist any change. It is all down to the personality of the individual and there is little management can do about resistance to change” (Mullins 2010: 753).
It is recommended that you post your 4th blog by week 9 to start generating responses before you submit your work through moodle
To help you put the right emphasis on this theme you should consider it in 2 parts:
Part 1: Change is nothing new and a simple fact of life. Some people actively thrive on new challenges and constant change, while others prefer the comfort of the status quo and strongly resist any change.
?Part 2: It is all down to the personality of the individual and there is little management can do about resistance to change (Mullins 2010: 753).
Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
? Part 1: Based on your leadership research, debate the statement, providing arguments for and against the point of view proposed by Mullins.
? Part 2: Examine the role that managers play in avoiding and overcoming resistance to change andthe value that resistance can bring to the change process*
? What change management models would you recommend to managers and why?
? What organisational examples from your chosen industry illustrate this debate?
? What are your conclusions from this debate for your understanding about how change could be managed in your chosen industry?
*e.g. If leaders listen to feedback from employees during the resistance phase of the change they may benefit from insight and opinion from employees.

Checklist. After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:
1. Made reference to change management theories, including one useful model, analysing the advantages and limitations of the model.
2. Used real-life industry examples to highlight the impact effective change management can have on helping subordinates to accept change.
3. Made recommendations for managers on how to use knowledge of change management theories and models to produce better results.
What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views. Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.
Theme 5 – Your vision of leadership (Double Weighted)
At this stage in your studies of business and leadership, what type of leader do you believe you are or would like to become? How ready are you to lead others? Watch the following podcast about the experience of being managed and led by others.
It is recommended that you post your 5th blog by week 10 to generate responses before you submit your work through moodle
To help you put the right emphasis on this theme you can consider it in 2 parts:
Part 1: At this stage in your studies of business and leadership, what type of leader are you or would like to become (& who inspires you)?
Part 2: How ready are you to lead others? Watch the following podcast about the experience of being managed and led by others.

Structure: So, having identified the 2 parts to this theme you can now start to structure your response: We are looking for you to introduce the theme, reference the theory, use real examples and conclude using your own words and views, backed up by the theory.
? What is your vision of leadership?
? Who has inspired your understanding of effective leadership and why?
? What feedback from your colleagues has helped you to become more aware of your strengths and areas to develop as a leader in your chosen industry?
? What leadership skills do you want to develop as you progress through your MBA and how will you develop them?
Checklist. After you’ve written your blog, read it to check if you have …….:
1. Stated your leadership vision using theories and models to help you illustrate your vision.
2. Used real-life industry examples to illustrate your chosen view of effective leadership.
3. Use real and evidenced based feedback collected from colleagues to help you consider what leadership skills and style you want to develop.

What you must NOT do. Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views.
Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.
1.2 Module Learning outcomes

Remember that this module is intended to develop your knowledge of leadership as expressed in the learning outcomes which are:
1. Evaluate various leadership models, comparing, contrasting, drawing on a range of referenced sources both within & without the module to discuss how leadership theory can help to bring teams & people together, etc
2. Analyse leadership from a specific case of change to illustrate how the use of models, concepts, etc can help a leader manage resistance to change, etc.
3. Evaluate, compare/contrast various styles of leadership & how they impact on innovation within organisations, etc. drawing on at least 2 global leaders as examples.
4. Analyse& discuss ethics in the context of leadership to illustrate the impact of ethics & ethical leadership on organisations, stakeholders, etc.
5. Reflect on your own capabilities linked to how a deeper understanding of leadership will help to develop leadership skills and provide some indication of how you will improve your skills.
1.3 Your commitment & top tips
Your commitment to your studies
Writing your blog assignment requires commitment from you so please make sure you are setting aside sufficient time to READ leadership articles and explore leadership/management research. We are not asking you for lots of different theories so please choose carefully the theories and research you wish to use as there are many theories and much research on the subject. Think of it like researching for a new mobile phone. There are hundreds of different models and makes and contracts on the market but purchasing decisions are usually based on a deeply analysed comparison between 2 models having researched and discarded multiple options.

You must present your knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of leadership and management drawn from your reading of the subject. Please make sure you use a credible range of sources accessed via the e-library: http://locate.coventry.ac.uk and the reading presented to you on moodle for each unit of study.

By adopting an analytical, evidence based you will be able to present your understanding and explanation of how and why leaders can develop clear leadership skills linked to theory.

Critical writing exercise
In general any paragraph will usefully consist of one point which is then analysed and supported by evidence. As an exercise in critical writing and analysis, please adopt the Point, Evidence, Evaluation principle. Find a piece of research from the required reading list and critically analyse it: Consider what main point you wish to make then support your point with evidence drawn from research and authored views. Evaluate your point and supporting evidence through discussion to bring your point to a conclusion.
Top Tips
1. Identify the key terms in each theme (each theme has been broken down into 2 parts)
2. Read the detailed briefing notes under each theme to help you understand the key themes & content required.
3. Cross reference your content with the Marking Criteria (the rubric) to understand what the marker will be looking for when marking your work.
4. Create an outline of your assignment. Check this addresses each theme and responds to all areas of the Marking Criteria
5. Use your Research and Referencing to support all your points
6. Use Evidence to support all your analysis and recommendations
What you must NOT do
Do not simply gather together a series of quotes from published authors in the hope that this presents your views. Remember Socrates words of wisdom: To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly

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