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To prepare for BB#8 make sure to spend some time on Lecture 11 and the Aaker and Morrison articles. 

Some points to be made:

The source for this assignment is Example 2 The Aaker Approach referred to in the attached document “Read First”

You will also need to read the other two attached articles “ATT 1” and “ATT 2”.

The Aaker and Morrison articles talk a lot about strategic planning, but the term is becoming obsolete.  For this assignment please use the newer term strategic decisionmaking.

For purposes of this assignment, limit the scope to global automotive operations, exclude non-automotive operations.

In your design, keep in mind that you are simply providing information to the decision-makers.  You are not analyzing the information, drawing any conclusions, nor making any recommendations.  You are designing a system in support of GMs global decision-makers.

Limit your answer for each statement to one paragraph.
Begin each answer by restating the opening statement.

1. The sources of the information needed to create an ESS database would be . . .
2. The best way to capture and store the original documents (not the abstracts) is
3. The information contained in the abstracts should include …
4. The abstracts should be written by …
5. The abstracts should be prepared (electronically? paper? both?)…
6. The abstracts should be stored (electronically? paper? both?)…
7. The person(s) submitting the items should be…
8. Collaborative technology used in the design of the ESS database would include
9. All the above components would work together by…

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