Observation: Miami-Dade County Public Meeting [Budget Hearing]

Here is your task for this exercise:




Go the following URL Link given above for your assigned Annual Budget Hearing. There are two links: one for the video, and one for the transcript of the video.
Click on Video link. This will open the video recording for the budget hearing [the Agenda link appears to be broken presently]. You can watch the video online. [You can download the video to your computer, but it is a large file.]
Click on the transcript link to download the video transcription. The transcript gives the actual spoken words of each speaker with the time stamp. However, the transcript may not be fully complete or fully accurate. So, listen to the Video and use the Transcript as a second reference for listening to the words spoken.
Watch at least 1 [one] hour of the budget hearing. YOU CAN SELECT ANY ONE HOUR TO WATCH. Skip the beginning introductions, roll call, and celebratory things (like people congratulating each other on mundane things; such parts should not be a part of your one-hour observation.)  You can turn Close Captioning on (if you hover the mouse on video, you will see “CC: on” option).
The one hour segment should contain commentaries from the public and/ or discussions between the elected public officials [or the mayor].
Take notes on what people are saying during the readings. These will give you the priorities of what they have on their minds.
Observe how many people are participating in the room in background. Note if they have  any general characteristics  (e.g. gender, race, age, profession). Observe if people talk in Spanish or Creole. Observe if there are certain groups of people (e.g. belonging to one nonprofit, wearing the same T-shirt with a slogan).
Based on your observations of the above meeting, write your paper on the Global City challenges and solutions in Miami-Dade County that are raised by the different groups of participants in the budget hearings. You should structure your paper well (e.g. according to the topics, or according to the type of participants, etc.). Your first paragraph should include the details of which budget hearing segment you observed (e.g. you may say, “I observed the 2019 Second Budget hearing held on September 19, 2019, for one hour starting in the [n]th hour.”  Include at least two conclusion paragraphs in the end which details how issues raised during the meeting relate to Managing Global Cities. The paper should be about 8 to 10 pages in length.

Your paper will be graded using the following rubric:

Thematic identification of Global City challenges and solutions (feel free to quote speakers) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of who said what (e.g. people vs elected officials vs public administrators) (6 points weight)
Systematic identification of participants (6 points weight)
Generalizability of Miami-Dade problems/ solutions to other Global Cities [In this section, you can write about whether or not the problems/ solutions you heard are unique to Miami-Dade or are more broadly applicable to Global Cities in general. You can relate these problems to the area you live, if you are not in Miami-Dade.] (4 point weight)
Language and grammar (3 points weight)

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