Order Description
for International Agribusiness course must focus on Understanding of International Agribusiness and Trade Related Issues related to a Country, Trade Agreements, a commodity, Food Safety and Security Disputes, Trade Disagreements, dissertation or related paper Topic is acceptable.
Length: Twenty five pages including tables and INTERNET tables of research
Business Plan GuidelinesMust have:
1. Executive Summary
2. Objectives
3. Personnel
4. Product/Service
5. International Market Analysis
¢ Industry
¢ Competitors
¢ Customers
¢ Suppliers
6. Marketing Strategy
¢ Who are my customers?
¢ How to deliver my product/service to my customers?
¢ Cost analysis
7. Risk Factors and SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of a Cross Border Business
8. Financial Statement and Proforma
9. Summary