Personal and Academic Goals

I am suppose to set two academic and two personal goal in the goal setting template.
click this link:
another one:
Specific (what? how?, who? where?, which?)
Measurable( how much? how many? how will I know when its achieved)
Attainable( How can the goal be accomplished?)
Relevant (worthwhile, right time)
Timely ( when?)
My professor is very hard grader.Please keep in mind that being specific and clear is what he is looking for.
I will type some examples here from my class.
Personal Goal: To manage my allowance by spending 50 CHF a week
Why: I was on a limited budget and I wanted to make sure that I would not miss out on any social activities with my friends
How: I set up a Post Finance Bank Account at the beginning of Term and every Sunday I withdrew the entire CHF 50. This way I knew that this would have to last me until the next day.
You can see that this person was very specific and clear and it is attainable
Academic Goal:
To achieve a 65% in Studying at University Presentation Assessment in week 7 of Term A
Why: I have always been very nervous speaking to an audience. Even though the assessment is videoed I have always gotten poor marks for presentations in the past in high school. I really want to improve in this area.
How: I will design my presentation slides in week 5 and write a script of the words I will say as I am going through the presentation. I will ask my friend Roberto to video the presentation and then I will review it for mistakes. I will rewrite my script to ensure I am meeting the time limits in week 6 and practice it at least three times in front of my freinds for feedback and advice.
Keep in mind my term ends on April 20th. I have to be realistic of what I can achieve IN 10 weeks. , be detailed, do it timely, be SPECIFIC. Like for example. IF MY goal was to be fit, what kind of fit? fit to walk up the stairs? or fit like cristiano ronaldo abs etc.

My Personal Goals is:
To lose 10 pounds by April 20th.
(why) -for ex: i always been insecure of how I weigh and I been eating unhealthy etc.
I need help for a second personal goal..
Academic Goals:
To achieve a 70% in my final essay in Food Hygiene class by Week 9 (in Handout)
To achieve a 70% in my Reflective Academic Journal by Week 9 (in Handout)

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