Phelanthropy and Medical Missions

Paper details:
Operation Rescue Cameroon is a business pitch to sponsors and organizations to help fund or donate used equipment to carryout health clinic in Cameroon

As the economic and legal infrastructuresof Cameroon continue to ravage, so isits reputation as one of the most corrupted third world nation in the world. This has led to numerous challenges currently facing Cameroon—from wide spread poverty, to sectarianism, and high illiteracy. In addition, the health infrastructure is indesperately need of revitalization. Life expectancy (life expectancy at birth / per capita GDP) in Cameroon is relatively low at 50.58 years, when compared with other African Countries, and Cameroon ranks 29/224 in infant mortality.
At this rate of decline and stagnant growth in socioeconomic and health platforms, Cameroon will soon plunge deeper into becoming a poor state—vulnerable to more corruption, collapse of the governing structure, and susceptible to outside interest groups (even terrorists). Any rescue plans from free-falling down this trouncing path of destruction must begin at the grass root level of impacting the communities. Non-governmental organizations like the Nokuri Foundation and International Rescue Foundation teaming up withPremier Health Express and Advance Diagnostics have better prospects in reaching further into communities where the ground work of change and rescue must begin.
The strengths of Operation Rescue Cameroonrest heavily in theexperience and capabilities ofInternational Rescue Foundation (IRF), the Nokuri foundation Inc., and Premier Health Express and Advance Diagnostics (P.H.E.A.D), theirpartnerships—as well as—the compelling appeal ofreciprocityto improve the standards of education, health, and religious tolerance within the communities of Cameroon.
International Rescue Foundation (IRF).IRF is a non-profit entity based in Limbe, South West Province, Cameroon. IRF is a grass rootnongovernmental organization (NGO)that has aided the southwest and northwest communities of Cameroon in combating low literacy and poverty. Most notably, it hasempowered women through education, religious, and health programs.
IRF hasa proven track record of collaborating with different stakeholders to implementinitiatives that help better the lives of those within the poor communities (especially disenfranchised women). Unfortunately, sometimes the desire to help the local community through establishing community development and improving the living standards for those directly involved extends beyond a compelling appeal to give back to our community and doing the right thing. It is often costly monetarily and time-wise. Hence, a key differentiator in rescuing Cameroon from the brink of devastating levels of poverty, illiteracy, and deteriorating health and living conditions lies in creating partnerships, and applying for grants and aid to further this noble cause.
For this very reason, IRF is partneringwith The Nokuri Foundation Inc.,and Premier Health Express and Advance Diagnostics in order to broaden its reach and scope of service to the Cameroon community especially in the area of education and youth empowerment; engaging the community through activities within the community like team organized sports, camps, and outdoormovie theater; and establishing a healthcare and diagnostic medical center in Limbe Cameroon.
The Nokuri Foundation:
The Nokuri Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides community based services though health andeducation programs, and providing donations to support other non-profit organizations both in the United Stated and Internationally. Its prime focus is towards high at risk poverty stricken communities with limited health resources—as well as, religious and sexual inequality.
Through partnerships with organizations like Sickle Cell Disease of America and Faith International Rescue Ministries, the Nokuri Foundation has been able to award scholarships and grants to academic institutions and individuals with sickle cell disease and carry out annual school physicals in Limbe Cameroon at Ray-Est Bilingual Primary School. The foundation’s establishment in Cameroon has also helped provide employment to several teachers and counselors who are the backbone in the success of our programs and ambassadors for change within the communities moving forward.
The foundation was founded as a tribute to Christopher and Beatrice Nokuri whose legacies continue to inspire excellence, professionalism, charity, caring, spiritual competence, and above all service for the community. To achieve and sustain this vision of community service and philanthropy, the Nokuri Foundation has had to rely on:
• Recruiting adult volunteers to help with workshops, seminars, conferences, retreats, and to render simple healthcare services and checkups
• Hold training programs to teach job skills to the community
• Offer individualized coaching and mentorship in order to broaden its reach
• Create group activities to foster team-building activities and self-confidence
• Partner with other NGOs or non-profit organizationto cover financial cost
Premier Health Express and Advance Diagnostics (P.H.E.A.D):
Premier Health Express and Advance Diagnostics is a privately own family health business created as an LLC by Drs. Samuel and OfundemNokuri. Dr. Samuel Nokuri is a board certified internal medicine physician, and member of the American College of Physician who also has a Masters in Business Administration from John’s Hopkin University. He has held the office of medical director in the United States Air Force and Complex Care Program for Kaiser Permanente.
Dr. OfundemNokuri is a board certified pediatrician and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatricians who has 10 years of experience as an emergency room pediatrician and urgent care. She also has philanthropic experience in community outreach annual physicals to the Ray-Est Bilingual Nursery and Primary School.
Impacted by the limitations they encountered during their mission trips back to Cameroon, the couple decided it was time to rally support towards establishing a clinic and diagnostic center to service the community of Cameroon. Together and with the support of colleagues and family members, Drs. Samuel and OfundemNokuri are teaming up with IRF and The Nokuri Foundation to rollout this year Operation Rescue Cameroon in Limbe, Southwest Cameroon.

Operation Rescue Cameroon Sociocultural Model:
There are two major models to Operation Rescue Cameroon: The sociocultural and healthcare models. The sociocultural model is closely aligned with the objectives outline in the public affairs small grants program. It includes reaching outinto the community and engaging the youths within the primary school to colleges sectors through academic and seminar programs on entrepreneurship, job skill, and technology familiarity; civil engagement through community based programs; and the use of media as a vitalizing platform to bring about effective change within the community.
Product lines and Services for the Sociocultural model:
1. Holiday Programs
a. Kids adventure Camp
i. Mission
1. Create a healthy fun environment for children to interact and learn about the world and their surroundings.
ii. Learning components-Each component will comprise of didactics and video sessions afterwards. The following camps will be provided:
1. Science: Using the Magic School Bus curriculum, kids will learn the simple theories in science and discoveries.
2. Art: Learn differentart technics (drawing and sculpturing), literature-theater, and movie (e.g. Shakespeare).
3. Biology: Using the Magic School Bus curriculum, kids will learn about life, our ecosystems, and volcanic mountains. They’ll also have field trip to the Limbebotanical garden.
4. Field Day-Healthy Me: As an adjunct to the all of the other camp sessions, the field day will be tagged on the last day of the camp. Kids will learn of health food groups, rest, have a fun-filled outdoor game activities, bouncy house, and recap of camp (the kids will receive a folder of their work for that week, accolades, and pictures of camp).
iii. Duration
1. 5 days’ camp; 6 hours a day.
iv. Maximum capacity per cohort
1. Minimum of 20 kids
2. Two counselors
v. Cost
1. The cost for a session of 20,000 cfa ($40.00) per child.
vi. Manning
1. Each camp session will have a camp leader and 1 counselor per cohort.
vii. Location
1. Depending on the season, most of the camps will be held indoors at Ray-Est Bilingual Nursery and Primary School. Some activities may involve taking a field trip to the Botanical Gardens, or held outdoors (such the bouncy house and obstacle course inflatable device)
viii. Publication
1. Flyers, banner, announcement (by camp leader) in churches, and schools.
b. Girls’ soccer camp: 1-week soccer camp for girls which will inspire a new generation of female soccer players. It will also foster and teach team building, leadership skill, self-esteem, and communalism.
1. Outdoor Activities:
i. Passing and Receiving: create drills and scrimmage at the end
ii. Shooting and goal keeping: drills and scrimmage at the end
iii. Spatial orientation and transition: drills and scrimmage at the end
2. Indoors: Kid will learn about the game of soccer, watching clips, and watch movies. Hold stimulating discussions on the principles of team building, communication, integrity, and work ethics.
3. Field day: games, introduce foot golf game, and recap of camp (folder of their work, soccer ball, and pictures of camp)
ii. Duration
1. 5 days’ camp; 6 hours a day
iii. Maximum capacity per cohort
1. Minimum of 25 kids
2. Two coaches
iv. Cost
1. 25,000 cfa per child
v. Manning
1. Single camp lead coach and 1coach per cohort
vi. Location
1. Some portions of the camps will be held indoors at Ray-Est Bilingual Nursery and Primary School and the rest at the Limbe Community Field, Downtown, Limbe.
vii. Publication
Flyers, banner, announcement (by camp leader) in churches, and schools
2. Education outreach programs: We believe that education is the single most important tool for change. Thus, we have collected (through donations) and bought children books of all literature genre (fiction, science, Shakespeare, Disney, health, etc). We hope to open a children’s Library and Bookstore for the edification of theLimbe community and to spark the love of reading—as well as enabling the youths tointeract with rest of the world through social media.
a. Library (Children Library)
i. Charlotte’s Web Library.
ii. Book Clubs (Shakespeare, Disney, and Veggie Tales).
iii. Movie Club (Books to movie club i.e. Shakespeare, Disney, and Veggie Tales).
b. Media Center
i. Computer station (5 donated computer)
ii. Multi-purpose room for seminars
c. Location
The initial plan is to have the children libraryestablished at the Ray-Est Bilingual Nursery and Primary School. Similar models will be recreated in other institutions (primary schools or colleges) interested in the program.
Obviously, the issues of poverty, sectarianism, and high illiteracy are very difficult to solve without the support from the world’s community at large. As Cameroonians who once lived through this harshness and opportune enough to become successful, we can spark a wave of change and restoration of dreams, hope, and aspirations to the community of Cameroon.
Operation Rescue Cameroon Healthcare Model
Another essential aspect facing Cameroon that is in desperate need of assistance,is the health infrastructure. Currently, thehealthcare setup is mainly run by multiple organizations (in some cases partnering NGOs) and staffed by midlevel healthcare providers like nurses. Moreover, there are few hospitals and no diagnostic centers (besides Limbe General Hospital and BueaHopsital) in the coastal region of Southern Cameroon.Most people travel for 2-3 hours to receive specialty and diagnostic work-up and care—the nearest being Douala. More importantly, the basic care required for child developmental growth and chronic health illnesses are not provided because of lack of providers and a steep cost to health access.
In order to address this need, P.H.E.A.Dwill build asix examination room clinic (3 adults and 3 pediatric rooms),with a pharmacy, and diagnostic center (staffed with a receptionist, cashier, 2 technicians, 2nurses and 2-4 midlevel providers-see Figure1). The medical centerwould have a functioning laboratory, ultrasound and x-ray rooms, and a drug store (that would cell prescription and non-prescription drugs, other medical accessories, and durable medical equipment).
The clinic would act as the medical home for users to care for both acute and chronic medical illness—from minor injuries, cuts, colds, lacerations, and fractures; to providing health screenings and management of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and even pregnancy. (Boyle, 2012)
P.H.E.A.D financially forecasts that for as little as $120,000, it can build the first ever cash-clinic with a diagnostic center, pharmacy, and medical equipment shop in the town of Limbe, Southwest of Cameroon. Through financial donations, grants, personal funds from Drs. Ofundem and Samuel Nokuri private savings, donations of used supplies and equipment from sponsors to the Nokuri foundations, P.H.E.A.D plans to a begin operations as soon as 2017. Based on the sustainable growth and success of the initial medical clinic at Limbe, other simpler cash clinic models (without the diagnostic center) will be established in nearbymajor citieswithin a ten to twenty miles-radius from each other.
One of the dominant strength of this proposal is itscomprehensive approach in addressing poverty, decimating literacy levels, and declining health status. Another area of strength involves the experience of the personnel involved who collectively possess several yearsof dedicatedpublic service and philanthropy both in Africa and in the United States.
When compared to other NGO’s the degree of specialization leverages our branding and helps us overcome start up barriers (this is because several of the stakeholders hold professions as doctors, lawyers, accountants, education administrative, human resources consultants—in addition to thepartnerships and network already established). With such vast genre of consultancy, the ORC project is grounded in experience and firmsupport systems necessary to provide optimal service to the Cameroon community.
Weaknesses facing the Operation Rescue Cameroon project appear typical of many start-up ventures. This includes a lack of several economic and legal infrastructures; and corruption (Cameroon ranks as one of the most corrupted third world nations according to the world (Rank 130/168) when measured to other countries on Transparency International’s 2014 list of most corrupt nations (Transparency International, 2015). The need for a strong oversight and management of all aspects pertaining to this project will be vital to the sustainability of Operation Rescue Cameroon project, otherwise the mission would be at risk and investor confidence may be harmed.
There are several opportunities presented through philanthropy as a medium to help develop and nurture the Cameroon’s business environment. We believe the product lines and business models we offer will certainly provide a platform to engage the community, empower the youths and women, improve healthcare access, and strengthen the use of media to spark the necessary appeal for change and improvement in education, community, economy, and health.
Many of the threats facing Operation Rescue Cameroon relate to the developing legal and physical infrastructure of Cameroon, low barrier to entry, a history of bribery and corruption within the government, and the struggling labor force within the country. Specifically, this include:
1. Minority ownership: could limit the ability to influence the operational and labor practices.
2. The existing labor force has been ravaged by health and poverty challenges (US Department of State, 2014).
3. Cameroon’s poor physical Infrastructures (roads, electricity, water etc.).
4. Corruption Practices. Cameroon remains a highly corrupt nation where bribes are common place at all levels within the government. Factors that increase the level of corruption includes the central government’s inability to oversee regulation and poor wages paid to government employees and local regulators.
5. Low Barriers to Entry. Obviously, our proposal might be unique but carries a low capital investment to start up a single work station is relatively low and can be easily imitated.
Social Impact on Life Expectancy as per capita GDP
According to World Bank data, Cameroon ranks low in 2013 of countries the bank had data on related to life expectancy on the Preston Scale (life expectancy at birth / per capita GDP) at about 50.58 years. (Life expectancy at birth, total (years)). One such social impact of the ORC project would be to increase the per capita GDP of employees above that of the mean, and thus increasing life expectancy.
On the other hand, the correlation between gross national income (GNI) per capita and life expectancy at birth has not always been as firm as expected years of schools and mean schooling years. This is because, health plays a significant portion in this trend—as well as several other public affairs components—hence the importance of strengthening the health infrastructure as outlined in the healthcare model of the ORC project.
Social Impact on Education as per capita GDP
According to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) statistics, the average person in Cameroon receives only 5.9 years of education. (Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years)). Like the Preston Curve for life expectancy, general trends show that per capita GDP is correlated with years of education. Thus, another social impact of the ORC project would be education as a conduit to increase the per capita GDP of employees above that of the current mean. In essence for the current status quo in Cameroon to improve, education has to play a vital role.

Figure 1
ORC Project and Premier Health and Advance Diagnostics (P.H.E.A.D) Center
Proposed Budget
Category Items/Staff Number Item Cost
Floor Plan (Renovation-Rent) Waiting and Exam Rooms 8 10,000
TV Waiting Room 2 500
Furniture Waiting Room chairs
Desk 24
2 2,000
Exam Room table + Chairs 8 2,000
Triage Room Stretcher 2 1,500
Equipment Laboratory 1-Lab-Phleb Chair
1Istat Machine
1Urine Dipstick Reader
1-Refrigerator 10,000
Radiology 1-X-ray Machine
2-Ultrasound Machine
2-EKG Machine
1-PAC System
10-Chairs 35,000
Clinic + Triage Room 8-Oto-ophthalmoscope
1-Patient ID Machine
1-Bar Code Reader
1-Bar Code Scanner 5,000
Pharmacy 6-Shelves
1-Ringer-Credit Card Machine Reader 2,500
Pharmacy Prescription Drugs
-Antibiotics (Oral-IV)
-Diabetic (Ins + Glu)
Sale Presc Drugs
Non-Prescription Drugs
First Aid
Healthy Snacks 25,000
Supply Stock Phones
Information board
Trash Cans
Gloves (and holder)
Procedure Light
Procedure Stools
Tube Rack 4
1 2,500
Utilities and Security Electricity
Alarm and security 4,000
Transportation Ambulance and Service 2,000
Bank Charges Bank Fees
Credit and Debit Card Reader 1,000
Malpractice Insurance 15,000
Licenses Clinic and Providers 1,000
Total Expenses 119,025

Salary of Medical Staff
Staff Salary Midlevel Providers/Pharmacist 3 50,000
Clerk-P-Tech 1 2,000
Technician (Lab+Rad) 2 4,000
Nurse/LPN 2 10,000
Accountant/Manager 1 5,000
Total Salary 71,000

Figure 2. Preston Curve for all Nations with World Bank Data.

Figure 3. Education Curve for all Nations with World Bank and UNDP Data.


1. Boyle, M. a. (2012). The Healthcare Executive’s Guide to Urgent Care Centers and Freestanding EDs. Danvers: HCPro Inc.
2. Transparency International. (2015). 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index Results. Retrieved January 18, 2016, from Transparency International:
3. US Department of State. (2014). Retrieved January 15, 2016, from US Department of State – Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs:
4. World Bank (2014): Cameroon. Retrieved January 30, 2016:
5. International Monetary Fund. (2015). Cameroon: 2015 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cameroon.
Retrieved January 11, 2016, from World Bank:

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