Plate tectonics/plate boundaries on ocean floor used to locate valuable resources.

Plate tectonics/plate boundaries on ocean floor used to locate valuable resources.
Instructions: All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and neat. All essays must be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the appropriate online assignment. Please include your name, course number, week number and assignment name at the top of your submissions.
Submission Instructions:Please submit your answer in the submission box for this assignment. If you submit your essay as an attachment make sure that it is done in Microsoft WORDformat.
Please cite your references for this and all essays with a URL or proper APA bibliographic citation.You may use the APUS on-line library to look for scholarly sources. The textbook may be cited as well a reference for essay answers. Be careful that you do not create a “cut and paste” paper of information from your various sources. Your essay should be new and freshly constructed in your own words. Also, take care not to plagiarize, credit your references.
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the American Psychological Association (APA).Students are encouraged to read/understand the Basics.
I have attached a sample APA template, please feel free to download and use it or you may consult the Purdue OWL (On-line Writing Lab) website for instructions.
Please make sure that you do not submit your essays asdrafts. Instructors cannot grade and assign credit to drafts.
Here are this week’s essay options please respond to one of these:
(1)NEWSFLASH – The Japanese Government has announced that the cores and radioactive wastes from the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant are going to be removed from the plant areas. Some of this material has a half-life of about 400,000 years. Rather than bury them under the remains of the reactor buildings and leave them on land, after sealing these materials in glass (see comment below) they will just take them to one of the oceans deepest points – the bottom of the Japan Trench (which is 6.7 miles deep, is right off the coast and is actually where the earthquake waves started as the ocean-floor rock was subducting) – and bury them in the bottom sediments right there. This will be done using robotics and ROV’s to set the waste vessels and covered reactor cores in place. Here’s the question – From your knowledge of how plate tectonics work, explain FIRST why this bright idea is (a) truly good!, and then SECOND, why the idea is (b) truly awful! Explain it in terms of plate tectonics. Note: The idea is to vitrify the waste (seal it in solid glass, tough stuff, doesn’t corrode, won’t crush) before disposal on land or at sea. Please read the attached article on just what the problem is in the U.S. too. When researching this question remember Godzilla was only a movie.

OR (2) Marine resources are anything of value that can be taken from the sea or seabed. It includes a lot, but doesn’t include transit, recreation, aesthetics, or other non-consumptive uses. List the three marine resources that have the GREATEST TOTAL ANNUAL MONETARY ($$) VALUE, including the sources for your data. Remember these are materials or resources that humans take out of the oceans and sell. In other words what are The-Big-Three-From-the-Sea? You may wish to consult EBVLM pg 74 Geologic Resourcesin the Lab Manual Workbook for additional information for this essay.

OR (3) As human populations around the world continue to grow and thus people seek more products and services the demand for raw materials, particularly metals continues to increase. Most major sources of metals needed by modern technological societies (iron, copper, aluminum, manganese, zinc) have been mined out and depleted on many areas of the earth’s continents. Since most metal ores and mineral resources are brought to or near the surface of the earth by volcanic and tectonic processes then these valuable materials occur on the ocean floors. (a) Explain how knowledge of plate tectonics and the location of plate boundaries on the ocean floors could be used to locate these valuable resources. what scientific instruments might be used to locate these resources? (b) Describe some difficulties and technical problems that might be involved in trying to mine the ocean floor and suggest some possible solutions to make this process possible. Hint; black smokers. Note: As stated above most ore deposits on land have been mined out. Today mining companies are digging up ores that have less than 5% metal-content. However, black smoker stacks and manganese nodules are in many instances 85+% metal. But think of the cost of extraction of metals from low-grade land ores vs cost of mining deep-sea ores. Also the UNCLOS Treaty requires mining companies to turn over part of their profits to the U.N. You may wish to open and review this article about Exclusive Economic Zones.
Supporting Materials
SCIN-136 Essay Evaluation & Grading Rubric 2013.doc (43 KB)
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Choose topic 3 and write about it. Please no plagiarism. You may use outside sources.


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Plate tectonics/plate boundaries on ocean floor used to locate valuable resources.

Plate tectonics/plate boundaries on ocean floor used to locate valuable resources.
Instructions: All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and neat. All essays must be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the appropriate online assignment. Please include your name, course number, week number and assignment name at the top of your submissions.
Submission Instructions:Please submit your answer in the submission box for this assignment. If you submit your essay as an attachment make sure that it is done in Microsoft WORDformat.
Please cite your references for this and all essays with a URL or proper APA bibliographic citation.You may use the APUS on-line library to look for scholarly sources. The textbook may be cited as well a reference for essay answers. Be careful that you do not create a “cut and paste” paper of information from your various sources. Your essay should be new and freshly constructed in your own words. Also, take care not to plagiarize, credit your references.
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the American Psychological Association (APA).Students are encouraged to read/understand the Basics.
I have attached a sample APA template, please feel free to download and use it or you may consult the Purdue OWL (On-line Writing Lab) website for instructions.
Please make sure that you do not submit your essays asdrafts. Instructors cannot grade and assign credit to drafts.
Here are this week’s essay options please respond to one of these:
(1)NEWSFLASH – The Japanese Government has announced that the cores and radioactive wastes from the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Plant are going to be removed from the plant areas. Some of this material has a half-life of about 400,000 years. Rather than bury them under the remains of the reactor buildings and leave them on land, after sealing these materials in glass (see comment below) they will just take them to one of the oceans deepest points – the bottom of the Japan Trench (which is 6.7 miles deep, is right off the coast and is actually where the earthquake waves started as the ocean-floor rock was subducting) – and bury them in the bottom sediments right there. This will be done using robotics and ROV’s to set the waste vessels and covered reactor cores in place. Here’s the question – From your knowledge of how plate tectonics work, explain FIRST why this bright idea is (a) truly good!, and then SECOND, why the idea is (b) truly awful! Explain it in terms of plate tectonics. Note: The idea is to vitrify the waste (seal it in solid glass, tough stuff, doesn’t corrode, won’t crush) before disposal on land or at sea. Please read the attached article on just what the problem is in the U.S. too. When researching this question remember Godzilla was only a movie.

OR (2) Marine resources are anything of value that can be taken from the sea or seabed. It includes a lot, but doesn’t include transit, recreation, aesthetics, or other non-consumptive uses. List the three marine resources that have the GREATEST TOTAL ANNUAL MONETARY ($$) VALUE, including the sources for your data. Remember these are materials or resources that humans take out of the oceans and sell. In other words what are The-Big-Three-From-the-Sea? You may wish to consult EBVLM pg 74 Geologic Resourcesin the Lab Manual Workbook for additional information for this essay.

OR (3) As human populations around the world continue to grow and thus people seek more products and services the demand for raw materials, particularly metals continues to increase. Most major sources of metals needed by modern technological societies (iron, copper, aluminum, manganese, zinc) have been mined out and depleted on many areas of the earth’s continents. Since most metal ores and mineral resources are brought to or near the surface of the earth by volcanic and tectonic processes then these valuable materials occur on the ocean floors. (a) Explain how knowledge of plate tectonics and the location of plate boundaries on the ocean floors could be used to locate these valuable resources. what scientific instruments might be used to locate these resources? (b) Describe some difficulties and technical problems that might be involved in trying to mine the ocean floor and suggest some possible solutions to make this process possible. Hint; black smokers. Note: As stated above most ore deposits on land have been mined out. Today mining companies are digging up ores that have less than 5% metal-content. However, black smoker stacks and manganese nodules are in many instances 85+% metal. But think of the cost of extraction of metals from low-grade land ores vs cost of mining deep-sea ores. Also the UNCLOS Treaty requires mining companies to turn over part of their profits to the U.N. You may wish to open and review this article about Exclusive Economic Zones.
Supporting Materials
SCIN-136 Essay Evaluation & Grading Rubric 2013.doc (43 KB)
To submit your assignment, enter text in the Submission Text box below and/or attach one or more files and then click Submit. Save your work frequently.
Choose topic 3 and write about it. Please no plagiarism. You may use outside sources.

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