IT principles in electronic discoveries HW5

The main concern of the forensic investigator during the investigation revolves around the new and changing sources and increasing volume of ESI. With the recent advancements and improvements in wireless technology, USB mobile storage drives, handheld digital devices and cell phones, high-capacity servers, network attached storage, storage area networks, and Internet storage, the investigator is dealing with large volumes of processed and stored digital data in multiple locations.

Describe in a 3–5 page Word document—excluding the title and reference pages—the recent advancements in at least three of the area mentioned above. Include a comparison and contrast between the traditional challenges of collecting, analyzing, and preserving ESI and the new challenges presented by advanced mobile devices, storage locations, and file formats of the future.

The assignment should include the following:

  • Title page
  • Introduction detailing the purpose and thesis of the paper
  • Comparison and contrast between traditional and future methods of collection, analysis and preservation of ESI regarding file formats, wireless technology, USB mobile storage drives, handheld digital devices and cell phones, hi-capacity servers, network attached storage, storage area networks, and Internet storage.
  • Provide a conclusion that evaluates the significance of the paper, reemphasizes the main points, predicts an outcome, offers a solution, or suggests a further study
  • Use APA for any references used in your research of these topics, both in the main body of the paper and in the reference list.
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