Professional and Business Ethics


You can write on any topic you’d like, as long as it is related to the course. I expect that you will make use of the concepts and moral theories we’ve learned so far in your paper. So, a paradigm paper would be something like the following: an analysis of whether it is permissible to raise the price of medicines in cases where there is only one medicine available for a given condition through a utilitarian perspective.

There are a few features of that topic that I want to highlight: (1) there is a clear business/economic issue, (2) there is a relatively clear moral issue, (3) it is relatively narrow in scope and so a 1500 word paper stands some chance of addressing it effectively, and (4) there is a specific moral theory going to be used. Whatever topics you choose for your own papers, you should try and have these four features in your own proposals.

They should contain a clear thesis statement, and a sketch of the argument you will present in the paper in support of that thesis. You do not have to have done any research (yet!), but if you have please include a works cited page with the proposal.

Some theories and morals to choose from: Consequentialist and nonconsequentialist, egoism, utilitarianism, kant’s, the libertarian approach, rawl’s theory of justice

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