
King (1989) in his “Colonialism, urbanism and the capitalist world economy”
article suggests that: “Contemporary urban hierarchies and patterns of urbanization have largely resulted from colonial rule (…) Problems of economy; polity and society all manifest ethnic, cultural and racial dimensions rooted in their colonial and imperial past.”
a. Explain this statement and analyze the relationship between colonialism and
b. What does the term ‘urban hierarchies’ mean? Explain it by going through the ‘global city’ concept and contrasting it with the idea of ‘ordinary cities’. How does Robinson(2006) challenge this by using the idea of “ordinary cities”? (Reader, pages 66-71).
c. Contrast the general patterns of urbanization in ‘developed’ (former colonial powers) and ‘developing’ (formerly colonized) countries. Please support your arguments with concepts, theories, and case studies presented in readings. Hint: Go through the idea of‘dependent urbanization’ in colonies.
d. Why is it important to understand the mechanisms involved in colonial past? Support your argument with examples.

PS: Two documents are attached in pdf form and please only use the material provided.

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