Project Description

Project Description
Standard encoding schemes like ASCII are convenient and relatively
efficient. However we often need to use data compression methods to
store data as efficiently as possible. I have a large collection of raw
text files of famous literature, including Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace
consisting of over 3 million characters, and I’d like to store these
works more efficiently. David Huffman developed a very efficient
method for compressing data based on character frequency in a
In this assignment you will implement Huffman’s coding algorithm in a
CodingTree class. This class will carry out all stages of Huffman’s
encoding algorithm:
• Counting the frequency of characters in a text file.
• Creating one tree for each character with a non-zero count. o
• Repeating the following step until there is only a single tree: o
qualto the sum of the two tree weights by creating a new root
and adding the two trees as left and right subtrees.
• Labeling the single tree’s left branches with a 0 and right branches
with a 1 and reading the code for the characters stored in leaf
nodes from the path from root to leaf.
• Using the code for each character to create a compressed encoding
of the message.
You are also responsible for implementing a Main controller that uses
the CodingTree class to compress a file. The main must:
• Read the contents of a text file into a String.
• Pass the String into the CodingTree in order to initiate Huffman’s
encoding procedure and generate a map of codes.
• Output the codes to a text file.
• Output the compressed message to a binary file.
• Display the size of the compressed text, compression and run time
Formal Specifications :You are responsible for implementing the
CodingTree class that must function according to the following
-void CodingTree(String message) – a constructor that takes the text
of a message to be compressed. The constructor is responsible for
calling all private methods that carry out
the Huffman coding algorithm.
-Map<Character, String>codes – a public data member that is a map
of characters in the message to binary codes (Strings of ‘1’s and ‘0’s)
created by your tree.
-String or List<Bytes> bits – a public data member that is the
message encoded using the Huffman codes.
To implement your CodingTree all other design choices are left to you.
It is strongly encouraged that you use additional classes and methods
and try to use the proper built in data structures whenever possible.
For example, in my sample solution I make use of a private class to
count the frequency of each character, a private node class to
implement my tree, a recursive function to read the codes out of the
finished tree, and a priority queue to handle selecting the minimum
weight tree.
You will also create a Main class that is capable of compressing a
number of files and includes methods used to test components of your
– void main(String[ ] args) – this method will carry out compression of a
file using the CodingTree class. :
-Read in from a text file
You may hard code the file name into your program but make
sure you test with more than one file.
-Output to two files. Again feel free to hard code the names of
these files into your program. These are the codes text file and
the compressed binary file.
-Display statistics. You must output the original size(in bits
or bytes),the compressed size (in bits or bytes), the compression
ratio (as a percentage) and the elapsed time for compression.
• Test files – include at least one test file that is a piece of literature of
considerable size.
• Check out Project Gutenberg ( an online
database of literature in text format.
(Bonus) Implement your own MyPriorityQueue<T> class using the
array implementation mentioned in lecture. Use it in place of the Java
PriorityQueue in your CodingTree class.
Documentation?In addition to this programming assignment, you will
include documentation of how you tested your code. Submit your
test input files, and explain what conditions that your test input files
test for. See programming guidelines on Canvas for additional
guidance. For each of your test input files, clearly state the size of
the original text (in bits) and the size of the compressed text (in
bits) in “doc.pdf”.
Submission .The following files are provided for you:
• WarAndPeace.txt – the plain text of Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and
• codes.txt – An appropriate set of codes produced by my sample
solution. (Note: This is not a unique solution. Other proper
encodings do exist.)
• compressed.txt – The compressed text of the novel. Its size is the
most relevant feature. You will submit a .zip file containing:
• – the simulation controller.
• – the completed and functional data structure.
• <sample>.txt – a novel or work of art in pure text for that you have
tested your program on. (you can submit more than one input
test files)
• compressed.txt – the compressed version of your selected text. (you
can submit more than one output files)
• codes.txt – the codes produced on your selected text.
• (Bonus) – an array based implementation of
• Doc.pdf – a pdf explaining how you tested your code, and the size of
the compressed text for each of your input test files. Points
be deducted if you do not follow the above file format or
Grading Rubric :The following is a detailed description of what I am
looking for when grading your project.
CodingTree :
• Counts the characters in the message and stores the count in an
appropriate data structure.
• Initialize a single tree for each character.
• Build the Huffman tree using and efficient data structure.
• Recursively extract the codes from the Huffman tree.
• Encode the text.
Main :
• Read text from input file.
• Output codes to text file.
• Output encoded text to binary file.
• Component testing or debugging code.
• Display run statistics.
• Extra test files.
MyPriorityQueue (Bonus) :
• All methods used are implemented.
• All methods are correct.
• All methods are efficient.
Documentation :
• Documentation of how you tested your code.
• For each input test files you submit, state clearly the size of the
compressed text (in bits or
bytes). Tips
for maximizing your
• Make sure your classes match the interface structure exactly. I will
use my own controller ( and test files on your code
and it should work without changes. Do not change the method
name (even capitalization), return type, argument number, type,
and order. Make sure all parts of the interface are implemented.
• Submit the .java files. If you use eclipse these are found in the “src”
directory, not the “bin” directory.
• I will grade your project using Java 8.
• All program components should be in the default package. If you use
a different package it increases the difficulty of grading and thus
affects your grade.
• Place your name in the comments at the top of every file. If you are
a group of two,
make sure both names appear clearly in these comments.
Grading logistics
I will compile your code using
javac *.java
I will use my own “” to test your code. You are free to write
your own, but your routines must work with my “”.
Sample input file: (WarAndPeace.txt) I will execute your code
java Main WarAndPeace.txt
Expected output:
Uncompressed file size: 3291623 bytes Compressed
file size: 1875127 bytes Compression ratio:
56%Running Time: 3543 milliseconds

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Comments are closed.

Project Description

Project Description
Standard encoding schemes like ASCII are convenient and relatively
efficient. However we often need to use data compression methods to
store data as efficiently as possible. I have a large collection of raw
text files of famous literature, including Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace
consisting of over 3 million characters, and I’d like to store these
works more efficiently. David Huffman developed a very efficient
method for compressing data based on character frequency in a
In this assignment you will implement Huffman’s coding algorithm in a
CodingTree class. This class will carry out all stages of Huffman’s
encoding algorithm:
• Counting the frequency of characters in a text file.
• Creating one tree for each character with a non-zero count. o
• Repeating the following step until there is only a single tree: o
qualto the sum of the two tree weights by creating a new root
and adding the two trees as left and right subtrees.
• Labeling the single tree’s left branches with a 0 and right branches
with a 1 and reading the code for the characters stored in leaf
nodes from the path from root to leaf.
• Using the code for each character to create a compressed encoding
of the message.
You are also responsible for implementing a Main controller that uses
the CodingTree class to compress a file. The main must:
• Read the contents of a text file into a String.
• Pass the String into the CodingTree in order to initiate Huffman’s
encoding procedure and generate a map of codes.
• Output the codes to a text file.
• Output the compressed message to a binary file.
• Display the size of the compressed text, compression and run time
Formal Specifications :You are responsible for implementing the
CodingTree class that must function according to the following
-void CodingTree(String message) – a constructor that takes the text
of a message to be compressed. The constructor is responsible for
calling all private methods that carry out
the Huffman coding algorithm.
-Map<Character, String>codes – a public data member that is a map
of characters in the message to binary codes (Strings of ‘1’s and ‘0’s)
created by your tree.
-String or List<Bytes> bits – a public data member that is the
message encoded using the Huffman codes.
To implement your CodingTree all other design choices are left to you.
It is strongly encouraged that you use additional classes and methods
and try to use the proper built in data structures whenever possible.
For example, in my sample solution I make use of a private class to
count the frequency of each character, a private node class to
implement my tree, a recursive function to read the codes out of the
finished tree, and a priority queue to handle selecting the minimum
weight tree.
You will also create a Main class that is capable of compressing a
number of files and includes methods used to test components of your
– void main(String[ ] args) – this method will carry out compression of a
file using the CodingTree class. :
-Read in from a text file
You may hard code the file name into your program but make
sure you test with more than one file.
-Output to two files. Again feel free to hard code the names of
these files into your program. These are the codes text file and
the compressed binary file.
-Display statistics. You must output the original size(in bits
or bytes),the compressed size (in bits or bytes), the compression
ratio (as a percentage) and the elapsed time for compression.
• Test files – include at least one test file that is a piece of literature of
considerable size.
• Check out Project Gutenberg ( an online
database of literature in text format.
(Bonus) Implement your own MyPriorityQueue<T> class using the
array implementation mentioned in lecture. Use it in place of the Java
PriorityQueue in your CodingTree class.
Documentation?In addition to this programming assignment, you will
include documentation of how you tested your code. Submit your
test input files, and explain what conditions that your test input files
test for. See programming guidelines on Canvas for additional
guidance. For each of your test input files, clearly state the size of
the original text (in bits) and the size of the compressed text (in
bits) in “doc.pdf”.
Submission .The following files are provided for you:
• WarAndPeace.txt – the plain text of Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and
• codes.txt – An appropriate set of codes produced by my sample
solution. (Note: This is not a unique solution. Other proper
encodings do exist.)
• compressed.txt – The compressed text of the novel. Its size is the
most relevant feature. You will submit a .zip file containing:
• – the simulation controller.
• – the completed and functional data structure.
• <sample>.txt – a novel or work of art in pure text for that you have
tested your program on. (you can submit more than one input
test files)
• compressed.txt – the compressed version of your selected text. (you
can submit more than one output files)
• codes.txt – the codes produced on your selected text.
• (Bonus) – an array based implementation of
• Doc.pdf – a pdf explaining how you tested your code, and the size of
the compressed text for each of your input test files. Points
be deducted if you do not follow the above file format or
Grading Rubric :The following is a detailed description of what I am
looking for when grading your project.
CodingTree :
• Counts the characters in the message and stores the count in an
appropriate data structure.
• Initialize a single tree for each character.
• Build the Huffman tree using and efficient data structure.
• Recursively extract the codes from the Huffman tree.
• Encode the text.
Main :
• Read text from input file.
• Output codes to text file.
• Output encoded text to binary file.
• Component testing or debugging code.
• Display run statistics.
• Extra test files.
MyPriorityQueue (Bonus) :
• All methods used are implemented.
• All methods are correct.
• All methods are efficient.
Documentation :
• Documentation of how you tested your code.
• For each input test files you submit, state clearly the size of the
compressed text (in bits or
bytes). Tips
for maximizing your
• Make sure your classes match the interface structure exactly. I will
use my own controller ( and test files on your code
and it should work without changes. Do not change the method
name (even capitalization), return type, argument number, type,
and order. Make sure all parts of the interface are implemented.
• Submit the .java files. If you use eclipse these are found in the “src”
directory, not the “bin” directory.
• I will grade your project using Java 8.
• All program components should be in the default package. If you use
a different package it increases the difficulty of grading and thus
affects your grade.
• Place your name in the comments at the top of every file. If you are
a group of two,
make sure both names appear clearly in these comments.
Grading logistics
I will compile your code using
javac *.java
I will use my own “” to test your code. You are free to write
your own, but your routines must work with my “”.
Sample input file: (WarAndPeace.txt) I will execute your code
java Main WarAndPeace.txt
Expected output:
Uncompressed file size: 3291623 bytes Compressed
file size: 1875127 bytes Compression ratio:
56%Running Time: 3543 milliseconds

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