Quest for Humanity’s Blueprint: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Setting the Context: The Science of Genes and Genomics A Cautionary Tale: The Slippery Slope to Eugenics Discussion: Ethical Issues and Analysis Beyond Testing: Gene Therapy and Gene
Reminder-please be sure all journals have a minimum of 3 cited references from either or both texts by author and page number in order to receive a grade.
Michael R. Panicola, PhD
An Introduction to health care ethics, ISBN 978-1-59982-130-0
Read Chapter 8: Health Care Ethics— Current and Future Applications of Genomic Technologies
Quest for Humanity’s Blueprint: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
Setting the Context: The Science of Genes and Genomics
A Cautionary Tale: The Slippery Slope to Eugenics
Discussion: Ethical Issues and Analysis
Beyond Testing: Gene Therapy and Genetic Enhancement
Write Journal 8