Read Instructions

Complete at LEAST ONE EXPLORATORY ACTIVITY designed to better understand the experience of having a disability.  These activities might include watching a full-length movie or several episodes of a television show, reading a book (e.g., fiction, memoir), or reviewing how disability is represented in the media to help you explore the impact of a disability on a persons life.  Your exploratory activity sources might include:

a.  Movies

b.  Television

c.  Books

d.  Media (e.g., newspapers, Internet)

You may choose ONE of any of the above that you know includes a person with a disability as the MAIN CHARACTER. Here are some websites that may give you some ideas:

3)  Evidence of completion of at LEAST ONE EXPLORATORY ACTIVITY related to how disability is portrayed in popular culture:

    Movie(s):  Evidence would include the name of the movie, the date the movie was watched, a brief summary of the plot (including type(s) of disabilities portrayed), and a personal reflection that makes connections to the course lectures and readings.

    Television: Evidence would include the name of the television show(s), all dates shows were watched, a brief summary of the plot (including type(s) of disabilities portrayed), and a personal reflection of all shows that makes connections to the course lectures and readings.

      Book: Evidence would include the name of the book, an indication of the type of book (fiction, biography, junior fiction), a brief summary of the plot (including type(s) of disabilities portrayed), and a personal reflection that makes connections to the course lectures and readings.

      Media: Evidence would include a log of the title of each article, the date it was located, a brief description of the content of the article (including type(s) of disability portrayed), and a personal reflection of all articles that makes connections to the course lectures and readings.

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