
For this project you will:

1.Identify for yourself the concepts you want your room to demonstrate.
2.Then, use the Room Design activity to build the room you require for the age group you have chosen. Look at your own state guidelines or NAEYC for help with this.

Ensure you have enough room for the number of children and teachers you desire and are allowed for by state mandates.
3.Look at the choices of learning centers, safety equipment, materials, and furnishings that are available to you. Select and position them in ways you feel are

4.Make a screen capture of your image by either clicking the export button or following the directions on the screen capture tips document. The Room Design activity

cannot save images.
5.Then, utilize this room creation as the basis of your paper. Write a 4–6-page report in which you describe and justify your room, including:
6.Concepts and Goals.
•Define the educational concepts you want your room to demonstrate and the goals your environment will support.
•Define the children your room will be serving, including their age and number.
7.Physical Space.
•Describe and justify the size of room, teacher to child ratio, safety additions such as fire exits, furnishings such as cribs or desks, number and type of learning

centers, and any other elements you believe necessary in setting up a room for this age of child.
•Expectations and modeling of respectful treatment of others.
•Support of cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity.
•Engaging students in their own learning through participation in a variety of experiences and stimuli.
•Ongoing assessment and monitoring of environment.
Use your classroom observations and course readings to support your justifications for the choices you made.

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1.Define a concept for an early learning environment that meets the needs of young children.
2.Create a supportive and nurturing learning environment for young children, and provide justification for the choices made.
3.Create an environment for young children that promotes their independence while ensuring their overall safety, and provide justification for the choices made.
4.Create an environment in which all students, regardless of ability, culture, and background, will feel comfortable and can thrive, and provide justification for the

choices made.
5.Support writing with observation and research, and write in a scholarly fashion.
Toggle Drawer Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
•Style and References: The project must be a scholarly piece of work with a cover page, APA style, citations, and references, and be free of grammatical errors.
•Length: The project must be 4–6 pages in length, double-spaced, not including cover page and references.
•Visual Room Design: The project must also include your visual representation of the room.
Toggle Drawer Project Grading Criteria
Room Design Scoring Guide Grading Rubric Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Defines a concept for an early learning environment that meets the needs of young children.

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Mothers, Wives, Daughters, and Sisters”

The laws of Westeros are clear: the rights of a male come before those of any female. Every boy and girl of Westeros learns early the value placed on male heirs and the “gentle” nature of women. After all, most of the greatest deeds of Westeros were done by men. But there are some who reject these beliefs. They say that boys and girls are born the same, but their rights and roles are made unequal by our laws and traditions. They say anyone can be nurtured to greatness, and that if women are of lesser value in society, it is society that has made it so. They ask for the rights of men and women to be made equal.

Your testimony has been requested by the Grand Maesters of Westeros, to whom the task of rewriting this wrong has been given. Your knowledge of human development is unparalleled in the seven kingdoms. Given what you know of Cooley’s thesis (the looking glass self) and of the work of Bronfenbrenner (bioecological systems Theory), you have been asked to put this matter to rest. Are men and women born unequal, or are they made so by the laws and traditions of Westeros?

A description and explanation of the theories used (Mill’s ‘Social Imagination’, Cooley’s ‘the looking glass self’ and Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory).


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