Scenario Planning

Draw classmates into discussion of the topic by asking questions.
The research and writing done for each forum is to prepare you to research and write upper-level research papers in current APA format. Each posting, whether threads or replies, must be written without grammar or spelling errors and must utilize proper APA in-text and reference citations.
• This is a formal writing assignment, so use 3rd person throughout the forum threads and replies.
Discussion Board Forum Threads:
• a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement;
• Summary: Choose 1 of the articles and summarize it in your own words. This must be about 125 word minimum. Be sure to note the article’s author as well as his/her credentials and the reason his/her opinions, research, or findings should be respected regarding the key term.
• Discussion: Using a minimum of 400 words, write a brief discussion in your own words of how the article relates to the selected key term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but rather the opportunity for you to add value to the discussion by integrating the other research performed. This is the most important part of the thread.
• Biblical Integration: You must integrate your key term with a biblical truth. To do so, you may choose to answer a question provided at the end of each chapter or utilize another Bible verse. Integration of biblical truth is not simply listing a Bible verse but connecting the Scripture to the concept being covered. This section must be a minimum of 100 words.
• References: All references must be listed at the bottom of the thread in current APA format.
Be sure to use the headers (Definition, Summary, Discussion) in your thread to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
Attachment: Attach 1 Microsoft Word document containing the full text of all articles reviewed for the assignment neatly formatted. This is required to allow everyone to review the articles. Articles must be attached to the thread.
Any form of plagiarism (including cutting and pasting) will result in 0 points for the entire discussion board (100 points) and may result in further penalties.
• .
In order to get an A on the paper I will need to incorporate something in the paper from all 3 sources

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Scenario Planning

Identify an industry that is undergoing intense competition or is being featured in the business press. Discuss how scenario planning could be used by competitors to prepare for future events. Can some industries benefit more than others from this type of process? When would scenario planning not be a relevant practice?

Write paper that answers the questions above.

Include a minimum of three scholarly sources

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