Social Work and Human Services

Social Work and Human Services
Paper details:
Read the chapters attached. (Ch6-8). Write 10 to 12 sentences per problem. In answering the questions assume that your client, Mr. Gomez, is a 34 year old, depressed, Mexican American, male who scored in the moderate depressed range on the Beck Depression Inventory. He was referred by his employer and you are the company’s employee assistance clinical social worker.

1. What does Beck recommend that therapists do to deal with a client like Mr. Gomez, whose negative automatic thoughts are 1) preventing him from engaging in normal routine activities, like going to the movies with his spouse; or 2) who might grudgingly engage in some activities but experiences low levels of satisfaction and pleasure because of his self-critical automatic thoughts. Assume that you will be meeting with him for a “first session”. Create the scenarios, including the thoughts that might be preventing Mr. Gomez from engaging in activities or not enjoying them. Describe the techniques that you use to deal with each of the two problem areas.


2. Assuming that you are going to have additions sessions with Mr. Gomez, describe what Dr. Beck recommends should take place in the “2nd session and beyond”. In chapter 7, she outlines 11 steps. Don’t just list the steps, as this will only earn you 10 points. Create a scenario, like 1) he didn’t do the homework that you assigned in the first session; or 2) he did well, but now something new is bothering him. Be creative in setting up the context for the therapy session.
3. In chapter 8, Dr. Beck addresses the problems that therapists sometimes face with structuring the therapy session. From the below list, you will be to discuss 5; I’ll pick 3 and you can decide on 2.

a. Therapist cognitions
b. Interrupting the patient
c. Socializing the patient
d. Engaging the patient
e. Strengthening the therapeutic alliance
f. Mood Check
g. Brief Update
h. Bridge Between Sessions
i. Review of Homework
j. Discussion of Agenda Items
k. Final Summary
l. Feedback


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Social Work and Human Services

Paper details:For the assignment, you are to choose and answer one question from the For Review and Discussion section of any of chapters 7 through 12 in the Sernau, Global Problems text. The For Review and Discussion section is located at the end of the chapters. In answering the question, you may use the text but I expect you to also draw upon at least one other source as you compose your response. This will enable you to obtain a fuller perspective on the issue the question raises.

Your response should be 2 to 3 pages and prepared in APA Style.

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