Song description
Please choose your favorite song (it can be any genre – rap, classical, jazz, Disney, etc.) and write one paragraph describing what you hear when you listen to the music. You must use 5 musical terms we discussed in class today, 3/25/16, to describe your song. This assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, with one inch margins on the top/bottom and left/right. The five musical terms should be underlined in the paragraph and you should also provide the name of the song, as well as who it is by (composer or singer). You should place a heading in the upper left hand corner of the page that looks like thIs i need one page please
Song description
August 12th, 2017 admin
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Song description
April 6th, 2016 admin
Song description
Please choose your favorite song (it can be any genre – rap, classical, jazz, Disney, etc.) and write one paragraph describing what you hear when you listen to the music. You must use 5 musical terms we discussed in class today, 3/25/16, to describe your song. This assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, with one inch margins on the top/bottom and left/right. The five musical terms should be underlined in the paragraph and you should also provide the name of the song, as well as who it is by (composer or singer). You should place a heading in the upper left hand corner of the page that looks like thIs i need one page please