The Objective Benefits of Salvation

The Objective Benefits of Salvation. In your paper, discuss the meaning of the terms sacrifice, substitute, and Christus Victor concerning salvation through Jesus Christ. Demonstrate what these terms mean for the work of salvation, and the results or benefits that come to the Christian believer through these truths. Follow the instructions below and the instructions on style that follow.

Write n the following pattern:

First, discuss the meaning of each one of the terms above for Christian salvation through Jesus Christ.
Second, discuss the results or the benefits that come to the believing Christian, and describe what changes occur for the Christian believer because of them.
Conclude in your paper by summarizing the benefits that objective salvation brings to the Christian through the sacrifice, substitution, and conquering victory of Jesus Christ. In your conclusion, include a separate section of application that answers the following question: How do the benefits of objective salvation change the way a Believer must live individually and within secular society?

Use textbooks and at least 3 scholarly articles.

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