The Post Office

Topic: The Post Office

Order Description
Below are several report topics. You are to choose One (1) topic and prepare a 6 to 7 page paper, (plus
bibliography) double- spaced typed, Font 10. Use at least 10 professional or academic, business and/or
economic references. (That means you may have to read 20 to find 10 good references) Include all
references in a bibliography at the end of the paper. You may use the any of the reference articles I
provided. Do not use encyclopedia references or articles that talk about polls. You may use your textbook
as a primary reference for your paper. All sources must be from an established reputable books,
newspaper, magazine, journal, periodical or government website. Your bibliography page is worth 10
points. Do not use opinion polls of any kind. If you don’t take the time to read and select good quality
references, it will be obvious in your paper. I do not re-grade papers. Please put time and effort into your
Once you select your topic, read the recommended articles and collect other articles. Read the most current
data available. You must then analyze the data and explain any recent changes. You should read any
textbook relate chapters. However, to be an expert on your topic you must read documents from sources
outside of the textbook. I have provided some articles to start you off in the right direction. Feel free to
use these in your bibliography. Be sure to read up on as much as you can about your topic. At the end of
the paper you need to discuss the topic with a peer or older adult or family member. You must also
provide your personal opinion on the topic. Do this after you have analyzed and discussed the issue
critically from an economic perspective. Be careful not to make this a Political Science, Sociology or
History paper. You must provide the Economic perspective. If you select a controversial topic, you must
present both sides of the issue. For instance, if you decide to prepare a paper on healthcare, you must
discuss the pros and cons of healthcare costs, who wins and who loses on each side.
I strongly recommend that you ask a librarian to help you find good quality articles. Junk in leads to junk
out. The librarians at Atlantic Cape can be a great help. To get access to the Atlantic Cape Library
resources from home, follow the instructions below.
Atlantic Cape Library login: Go to Student Services link on Atlantic Cape Homepage. Click on Student
Services, Library then Off Campus login
The login is “study” the password is ” s1112y”
Your paper must include at least one graph (5 points) and one table (5 points) with statistics from the
articles. You must cite the source of the table and graph.
Your paper will be graded using the following criteria:
1. Name, Paper title, sent properly within the Assignment function in Blackboard9. (5 points)
2. Inclusion of 10 business or economic references in the bibliography (excluding encyclopedia
resources such as wikipedia), (10 points)
3. At least one quality graph relevant to topic , give source (5 points)
4. At least one quality table relevant to the topic, give source (5 points)
5. The inclusion of accurate historical and current information (5 thru 9 = 60 points)
6. A thoughtful, well reasoned, organized presentation
7. Clear, crisp, well written sentences and paragraphs
8. Inclusion of costs and benefits of the various alternatives where appropriate
9. Inclusion of alternative views on the subject where appropriate
10. Discuss the topic and articles with a parent, grandparent or an older adult with whom you
speak at work or at home. What do they think about the topic and your readings? I ask you
to discuss some of ideas in this assignment with an older parent or grandparent to get an
intergenerational perspective. You may choose to discuss some of the ideas with a spouse or
peer. (10 points)
11. After having read extensively on the topic, what is your personal opinion on the subject. What
is your overall assessment of the assignment? What did you learn? Will you think differently
about the topic having researched it? How so? (5 points)

(The Post Office) The Post Office: “The post office banks on the poor” by Mehrsa Aradaran, New York Times, Feb 7, 2014.
Look at the monopoly and examine its strengths and weaknesses, economic costs and benefits. Look at
Strong delivery system, high pension costs. Will the U.S. post office survive, how and why? See “The
postal service to make Sunday deliveries for Amazon” by Ron Nixon, Business Day, November 11, 2013.

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