The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

Copyright? Le Cordon Bleu 2014
All rights reserved. This publication is copyright and may not be resold or reproduced. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be produced without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.


access the Le Cordon Bleu Assessment Policy (Culinary) at or refer to your Student Handbook.
Purpose of assessment
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and sustain effective, professional and contemporary Workplace Health and Safety Management (WHSM) practises.
Assessment requirement
To submit, in sections, a complete Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
Achieving a successful assessment outcome
This is a graded assessment.
To successfully complete this unit, sufficient evidence of competency is required to be demonstrated. See the marking guide for information on how to achieve competency and build your grade.
Assessment Submission
Details of assessment submission will be given by the lecturer on commencing the subject. Use the table below to record the requirements for this subject. Assessment Element Submission Date Submission Details Word Count Guide
Develop and document an Occupational Health Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
4500 words
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 3
Below is the information you will need to complete your assessment tasks. Refer to the marking guide at the end of this document to assist you in meeting the expectations for this assessment.
Develop and document a Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the students choice. The business should be based on an actual business, such as a café, restaurant, catering firm or patisserie.
If this is not possible a hypothetical business/s may be created by your Lecturer.
Include details of:
1. Executive summary
To include:
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
2. Describe the business
To include:
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three (3) WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Provide written feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place.
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 4 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
? How do you handle situations of non-compliance?
8. Legislative compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
? What action must be taken for legal compliance?
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation identified at your business.
? Assess and prioritise the hazards listed, using the Hierarchy of controls, suggesting a suitable control for each hazard.
? Design a standard form for conducting this procedure
Provide written feedback from personnel regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace. Use this information as part of your assessment of the business.
11. Training
? How will you determine the training required for your business?
? How will this be monitored?
? Design a standard form for recording training
Provide written feedback regarding a discussion with key personnel in the business regarding training needs.
12. Emergencies
? List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
? Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures.
13. Injury management arrangements
? Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
? Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
? Design a standard form for this procedure
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
? How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How effective is the current WHSMS and what recommendations would you suggest?
Total Marks
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 5
The following Marking Guide will be used by the lecturer.
The Marking Guide is in 2 sections:
1. Competency
2. Building on competency
To achieve competency sufficient evidence must be demonstrated in all criteria listed in this section.
A mark of 40 (50%) will then be awarded
This mark is the base from which a higher grade may be built.
If sufficient evidence is not presented in the Competency section, a mark of Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be awarded.
Building on Competency
By presenting further evidence in the building on competency section, a higher grade may be achieved.
The mark awarded by the lecturer for each criterion in this section will be based on the evidence presented.
Final Grade Marks Percentage
Competent with Distinction
36 – 40
90 – 100%
Competent with Merit
28 – 36
70 – 89%
15 – 28
50 – 69%
Not Yet Competent
0 – 14
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 6 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Student Name:
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
1. Executive summary
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
Report is presented in a professional manner using a formal report template
2. Describe the business
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 7
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Gain feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place
Identify an additional two ( 2) arrangements
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Identify an additional two ( 2) goals
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 8 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
8. Legislative Compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
Identify one (1) further system or procedure to be implemented from research of best practise in industry. Reference source of research
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation at the business
Using the Hierarchy of Control assess and prioritise the hazards suggesting a suitable control for each
Standard form included
Feedback should also be included from ‘personnel’ regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace.
Identify an additional two ( 2) hazards
Standard form is customised for the business
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 9
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
11. Training
How will you determine the training required for your business?
How will this be monitored?
Standard form included
Gain feedback from a discussion with key ‘personnel’ in the business regarding training needs.
Standard form is customised for the business
12. Emergencies
List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures
Identify an additional two (2) emergency situations
13. Injury management arrangements
Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
Standard form is included
Standard form is customised for the business
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
Discuss how effective you feel the current WHSMS is and what recommendations would you suggest?
The discussion is very clear and detailed and there is reference to relevant legislation.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 10 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
Competency and Base Mark (40) awarded: Yes / No
Build on competency grade :
Signature of assessor
Total mark (Base mark + Build on competency mark)

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The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

Copyright? Le Cordon Bleu 2014
All rights reserved. This publication is copyright and may not be resold or reproduced. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be produced without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.


access the Le Cordon Bleu Assessment Policy (Culinary) at or refer to your Student Handbook.
Purpose of assessment
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and sustain effective, professional and contemporary Workplace Health and Safety Management (WHSM) practises.
Assessment requirement
To submit, in sections, a complete Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
Achieving a successful assessment outcome
This is a graded assessment.
To successfully complete this unit, sufficient evidence of competency is required to be demonstrated. See the marking guide for information on how to achieve competency and build your grade.
Assessment Submission
Details of assessment submission will be given by the lecturer on commencing the subject. Use the table below to record the requirements for this subject. Assessment Element Submission Date Submission Details Word Count Guide
Develop and document an Occupational Health Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
4500 words
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 3
Below is the information you will need to complete your assessment tasks. Refer to the marking guide at the end of this document to assist you in meeting the expectations for this assessment.
Develop and document a Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the students choice. The business should be based on an actual business, such as a café, restaurant, catering firm or patisserie.
If this is not possible a hypothetical business/s may be created by your Lecturer.
Include details of:
1. Executive summary
To include:
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
2. Describe the business
To include:
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three (3) WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Provide written feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place.
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 4 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
? How do you handle situations of non-compliance?
8. Legislative compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
? What action must be taken for legal compliance?
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation identified at your business.
? Assess and prioritise the hazards listed, using the Hierarchy of controls, suggesting a suitable control for each hazard.
? Design a standard form for conducting this procedure
Provide written feedback from personnel regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace. Use this information as part of your assessment of the business.
11. Training
? How will you determine the training required for your business?
? How will this be monitored?
? Design a standard form for recording training
Provide written feedback regarding a discussion with key personnel in the business regarding training needs.
12. Emergencies
? List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
? Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures.
13. Injury management arrangements
? Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
? Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
? Design a standard form for this procedure
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
? How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How effective is the current WHSMS and what recommendations would you suggest?
Total Marks
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 5
The following Marking Guide will be used by the lecturer.
The Marking Guide is in 2 sections:
1. Competency
2. Building on competency
To achieve competency sufficient evidence must be demonstrated in all criteria listed in this section.
A mark of 40 (50%) will then be awarded
This mark is the base from which a higher grade may be built.
If sufficient evidence is not presented in the Competency section, a mark of Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be awarded.
Building on Competency
By presenting further evidence in the building on competency section, a higher grade may be achieved.
The mark awarded by the lecturer for each criterion in this section will be based on the evidence presented.
Final Grade Marks Percentage
Competent with Distinction
36 – 40
90 – 100%
Competent with Merit
28 – 36
70 – 89%
15 – 28
50 – 69%
Not Yet Competent
0 – 14
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 6 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Student Name:
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
1. Executive summary
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
Report is presented in a professional manner using a formal report template
2. Describe the business
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 7
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Gain feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place
Identify an additional two ( 2) arrangements
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Identify an additional two ( 2) goals
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 8 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
8. Legislative Compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
Identify one (1) further system or procedure to be implemented from research of best practise in industry. Reference source of research
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation at the business
Using the Hierarchy of Control assess and prioritise the hazards suggesting a suitable control for each
Standard form included
Feedback should also be included from ‘personnel’ regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace.
Identify an additional two ( 2) hazards
Standard form is customised for the business
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 9
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
11. Training
How will you determine the training required for your business?
How will this be monitored?
Standard form included
Gain feedback from a discussion with key ‘personnel’ in the business regarding training needs.
Standard form is customised for the business
12. Emergencies
List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures
Identify an additional two (2) emergency situations
13. Injury management arrangements
Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
Standard form is included
Standard form is customised for the business
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
Discuss how effective you feel the current WHSMS is and what recommendations would you suggest?
The discussion is very clear and detailed and there is reference to relevant legislation.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 10 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
Competency and Base Mark (40) awarded: Yes / No
Build on competency grade :
Signature of assessor
Total mark (Base mark + Build on competency mark)

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The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

The restaurant Mr Wong from MERIVALE GROUP

Copyright? Le Cordon Bleu 2014
All rights reserved. This publication is copyright and may not be resold or reproduced. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be produced without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.


access the Le Cordon Bleu Assessment Policy (Culinary) at or refer to your Student Handbook.
Purpose of assessment
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and sustain effective, professional and contemporary Workplace Health and Safety Management (WHSM) practises.
Assessment requirement
To submit, in sections, a complete Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
Achieving a successful assessment outcome
This is a graded assessment.
To successfully complete this unit, sufficient evidence of competency is required to be demonstrated. See the marking guide for information on how to achieve competency and build your grade.
Assessment Submission
Details of assessment submission will be given by the lecturer on commencing the subject. Use the table below to record the requirements for this subject. Assessment Element Submission Date Submission Details Word Count Guide
Develop and document an Occupational Health Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the student’s choice
4500 words
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 3
Below is the information you will need to complete your assessment tasks. Refer to the marking guide at the end of this document to assist you in meeting the expectations for this assessment.
Develop and document a Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for a hospitality business of the students choice. The business should be based on an actual business, such as a café, restaurant, catering firm or patisserie.
If this is not possible a hypothetical business/s may be created by your Lecturer.
Include details of:
1. Executive summary
To include:
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
2. Describe the business
To include:
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three (3) WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Provide written feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place.
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 4 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
? How do you handle situations of non-compliance?
8. Legislative compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
? What action must be taken for legal compliance?
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation identified at your business.
? Assess and prioritise the hazards listed, using the Hierarchy of controls, suggesting a suitable control for each hazard.
? Design a standard form for conducting this procedure
Provide written feedback from personnel regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace. Use this information as part of your assessment of the business.
11. Training
? How will you determine the training required for your business?
? How will this be monitored?
? Design a standard form for recording training
Provide written feedback regarding a discussion with key personnel in the business regarding training needs.
12. Emergencies
? List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
? Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures.
13. Injury management arrangements
? Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
? Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
? Design a standard form for this procedure
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
? How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
? How effective is the current WHSMS and what recommendations would you suggest?
Total Marks
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 5
The following Marking Guide will be used by the lecturer.
The Marking Guide is in 2 sections:
1. Competency
2. Building on competency
To achieve competency sufficient evidence must be demonstrated in all criteria listed in this section.
A mark of 40 (50%) will then be awarded
This mark is the base from which a higher grade may be built.
If sufficient evidence is not presented in the Competency section, a mark of Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be awarded.
Building on Competency
By presenting further evidence in the building on competency section, a higher grade may be achieved.
The mark awarded by the lecturer for each criterion in this section will be based on the evidence presented.
Final Grade Marks Percentage
Competent with Distinction
36 – 40
90 – 100%
Competent with Merit
28 – 36
70 – 89%
15 – 28
50 – 69%
Not Yet Competent
0 – 14
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 6 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Student Name:
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
1. Executive summary
? The business name and brief description
? The working environment
? Legislation the business must comply with
? WHS planning and goals
? Responsibilities.
Report is presented in a professional manner using a formal report template
2. Describe the business
? The nature and size of the business and type of work
? The physical location
? The number of employees and managers
? The working environment.
3. State who will document the WHSMS
Choose the most suitable internal and/ or external person for your business.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 7
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
4. Describe the current WHS arrangements
List three WHS arrangements included in your business eg adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and systems in place.
Gain feedback from ‘personnel’ in the business regarding their understanding of the work health and safety policies, procedures and practices in place
Identify an additional two ( 2) arrangements
5. Policy
? What does the WHS policy in your business include?
? Describe how the policy is updated
? Describe who is responsible for developing and updating the policy.
6. Planning
List three (3) WHS planning objectives or goals for your business.
Identify an additional two ( 2) goals
7. Consultation and communication
? What is the method of consultation for your business?
? Why was this method chosen?
? What systems are there in place to ensure there is clear communication about WHS practises to all staff, including those with special needs?
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 8 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
8. Legislative Compliance
What legislation must your business comply with? Include relevant Acts Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards.
9. Work systems
? Describe three (3) work systems in place eg maintenance of equipment & building, policies and procedures.
Identify one (1) further system or procedure to be implemented from research of best practise in industry. Reference source of research
10. Hazard Identification – risk assessment and control
How will hazards be identified, assessed, controlled and recorded?
List three (3) hazards designated by legislation at the business
Using the Hierarchy of Control assess and prioritise the hazards suggesting a suitable control for each
Standard form included
Feedback should also be included from ‘personnel’ regarding any incidents, near misses or accidents that have occurred in the workplace.
Identify an additional two ( 2) hazards
Standard form is customised for the business
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© Le Cordon Bleu 2014 9
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
11. Training
How will you determine the training required for your business?
How will this be monitored?
Standard form included
Gain feedback from a discussion with key ‘personnel’ in the business regarding training needs.
Standard form is customised for the business
12. Emergencies
List three (3) emergencies that require control procedures by law.
Describe how you will develop, implement and evaluate the emergency control procedures
Identify an additional two (2) emergency situations
13. Injury management arrangements
Describe the method of documenting injuries for the workplace.
Describe the method of managing injuries for the workplace.
Standard form is included
Standard form is customised for the business
14. Evaluation of the WHSMS
How and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
How frequently and by whom will the WHSMS be evaluated?
Discuss how effective you feel the current WHSMS is and what recommendations would you suggest?
The discussion is very clear and detailed and there is reference to relevant legislation.
Manage Work Health and Safety Systems (Cuisine & Patisserie)
Theory Assignment Student
© 10 Le Cordon Bleu 2014
Competency Criteria Competent Build on Competency Mark
Competency and Base Mark (40) awarded: Yes / No
Build on competency grade :
Signature of assessor
Total mark (Base mark + Build on competency mark)

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