Order Description
Research Topic and Outline
The APA format research paper outline is no different from any other outline. The main point is there are certain guidelines to be followed for writing the outline according to the APA format.
The outline is a brief synopsis of main research paper.
These outlines should consist of headings and subheadings set in such a way that the arrangement of the whole paper is evident.
Research Paper Outline – This is the layout of your paper. Use these heading and other subheading if you wish.
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Methodology (data from your survey, results from your survey and the discussion surrounding your findings)
• Results (compare your findings to those of others that you have researched)
• Conclusion/Recommendations
Introduction and Litertaure Review
The introduction section acquaints the reader with the main object of the study. Suppose the research is on types of law enforcement agencies or the various types of culinary arts industries in the United States, then the introduction needs to explain the key terms associated with the research, what law enforcement or culinary arts means, why it is such a pressing issue which sparked your desire to study it, and how you intend on making a positive contribution, through this research in your own field. (minimum of 3 pages)
The literature review is a summation of the other research that you have done. Include the methodology of the research article and how it relates to your topic.
Full Research Paper
APA FORM & Style
Times New Roman, 12 Font
Double Space
1′ Margins
15-20 Pages
12 or More Resources
Defense of Research Paper (via PowerPoint)
A minimum of 6 slides but no more than 10 slides