Topic: Race

Topic: RaceOrder DescriptionThe textbook: Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity, 5th Edition, edited by Charles A. Gallagher. It is very important that you get the 5th (I dont have it)-Demonstrate your overall knowledge of the material by expressing a point of view. Use specific examples to illustrate your points in most cases.-Many Americans believe that race is a biological phenomenon that exists as a scientific fact, independent of culture and politics. Drawing upon the textbook (especially readings 3, 4, 5 and 8), the film Race: The Power of an Illusion and our class discussions, please explain how this belief came to be widespread. In other words, how did the idea that race was a meaningful scientific idea become an important part of American culture? You do not have to give specific historical details here, though you may if you wish. I am more interested in the general process of how this came to be the case

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Topic: Race

Topic: Race

Order Description

The textbook: Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity, 5th Edition, edited by Charles A. Gallagher. It is very important that you get the 5th (I don’t have it)

-Demonstrate your overall knowledge of the material by expressing a point of view. Use specific examples to illustrate your points in most cases.

-Many Americans believe that race is a biological phenomenon that exists as a scientific fact, independent of culture and politics. Drawing upon the textbook (especially readings 3, 4, 5 and 8), the film Race: The Power of an Illusion and our class discussions, please explain how this belief came to be widespread. In other words, how did the idea that race was a meaningful scientific idea become an important part of American culture? You do not have to give specific historical details here, though you may if you wish. I am more interested in the general process of how this came to be the case

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Topic: Race

Topic: Race

Order Description

The textbook: Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity, 5th Edition, edited by Charles A. Gallagher. It is very important that you get the 5th (I don’t have it)

-Demonstrate your overall knowledge of the material by expressing a point of view. Use specific examples to illustrate your points in most cases.

-Many Americans believe that race is a biological phenomenon that exists as a scientific fact, independent of culture and politics. Drawing upon the textbook (especially readings 3, 4, 5 and 8), the film Race: The Power of an Illusion and our class discussions, please explain how this belief came to be widespread. In other words, how did the idea that race was a meaningful scientific idea become an important part of American culture? You do not have to give specific historical details here, though you may if you wish. I am more interested in the general process of how this came to be the case

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