us history before 1865

Answer the following in a well-written, formal, argumentative-persuasive essay, using specifics as evidence, and providing citations.

Some historians have argued that the English colonies in North America developed along economic lines and they emphasize the significance of the, staple crop agriculture, trade, the search for mineral wealth, and other material factors in their interpretations.
Other scholars insist that freedom, especially religious liberty, was the primary motivation behind English colonization.
Still others argue for the push factors rather than the pull of the New World, contending that the European context explains English colonization, as the Protestant Reformation, the Age of Religious Wars, competition for empire, and other issues were behind it all.
Other historians have argued for complexity, seeing a mix of motives that were intertwined and interconnected.
Explain the development of the English colonies in North America from c. 1607 to c. 1720. How and why did the English colonize territories in North America? Were economics the most important factor or did religion matter more? What role did the Native Americans play? Did individuals and their choices matter? However you answer, be sure to provide specific examples and explain them in your analysis.

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